mixt      a past tense and passive participle of "mix".
gemel (obs.) a hinge; adj. gemeled: (of architectural members) coupled.
swoose a swan-goose hybrid.
sucket fork a double-ended utensil for sweetmeats, with both fork tines and a spoon bowl.
runcible spoon a nonce utensil of Edward Lear's, widely held to be something along the lines of a spork.
opisthograph a document written on both sides of the leaves.
liger the offspring of a male lion and female tiger.
cherry-bob (Brit.) a pair of cherries whose stems are joined.
tiglon the opposite of a liger.
ginglymus (anat.) a hinge joint.
twibill a mattock whose head is half adze, half axe.
splake the hybrid of a lake and a brook trout.
recto/verso a right-hand or left-hand page of a book.
bracteate a coin of thin metal, struck on one face, whose pattern shows in reverse on the back.
gemel bottle a bottle of two adjacent flasks whose necks curve oppositely.
amphigenous (of certain fungi) growing on both sides of leaves.