B.S. in Computer Science
1997 - present: Microcomputer Research Lab., Intel Corporation
- Implemented JVM debugging interface support.
- Developed Java dynamic optimization techniques for Intel's iA32 and iA64 (Merced)
- Developed a Java Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for Intel Pentium
and Pentium Pro architecture.
1993 - 1997: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
- Developed a register allocation approach that deals
with live range splitting, spilling and register assignment in an
integrated fashion.
- Participated in the development of cmcc, a retargetable optimizing ANSI C compiler (written in C++) with code
generators for MIPS, SPARC, and iWarp.
- Developed object-oriented frameworks for instruction scheduling and
register allocation in the cmcc compiler.
1990 - 1993: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (Research Programmer)
- Developed a global data dependence analysis module for the Intel
optimizing compiler, an optimizing C compiler for a VLIW machine.
This module identifies potential memory aliases inside loops for use by
the software pipeliner.
- Developed a pre-scheduling module for the Intel iWarp
optimizing compiler. This module eliminates unnecessary moves,
thus shortening
the critical path and decreasing resource requirements, before
- Developed a data alignment module for the Fx parallelizing FORTRAN
This module analyzes array reference patterns and provides array
alignment information
that guides the data distribution phase to generate good
patterns among array occurrences.
1987 - 1989: Electronics Research & Service Organization, Taiwan
(System Design Engineer)
- Developed a machine-independent global optimizer based on
Fred Chow's Ph.D. thesis.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
Teaching assistant for Professor John Shen's superscalar processor design
course. Prepared lecture notes and slides, and formulated homework assignment and exams.
Intel Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award (1996)
- M. Cierniak, G.Y. Lueh, and J.M. Stichnoth, Practicing JUDO: Java Under Dynamic Optimizations, Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2000, pages 13 - 26.
- J.M. Stichnoth, G.Y. Lueh and M. Cierniak, Support for Garbage Collection at Every Instruction in a Java Compiler, Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Programming Language Design and Implementation, May 1999, pages 118 - 127.
- A. Adl-Tabatabai, M. Cierniak, G.Y. Lueh, V.M. Parikh and J.M. Stichnoth, Fast, Effective Code Generation in a Just-In-Time Java Compiler,
Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Programming Language
Design and Implementation, June 1998, pages 280 - 290.
- G.Y. Lueh and T. Gross, Call-cost Directed Register Allocation,
Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Programming Language
Design and Implementation, June 1997, pages 296 - 307.
- A. Adl-Tabatabai, T. Gross and G.Y. Lueh, Code Reuse in an
Optimizing Compiler, Proc. ACM Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'96), pages 51 - 68.
October 1996.
- G.Y. Lueh, T. Gross and A. Adl-Tabatabai, Global Register
Allocation Based on Graph Fusion, Ninth Workshop on Languages
and Compilers for Parallel Computers, August 1996. pages 246 - 265.
- G.Y. Lueh, Issues in Register Allocation by Graph Coloring,
Technical Report CMU-CS-96-171, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,
November 1996.
- G.Y. Lueh, T. Gross and A. Adl-Tabatabai, Global Register
Allocation Based on Graph Fusion, Technical Report
CMU-CS-96-106, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,
March 1996.
A. Adl-Tabatabai, T. Gross, G.Y. Lueh and J. Reinders.
Modeling Instruction-Level Parallelism for Software Pipelining,
Proc. of the IFIP WG10.3 Working Conference on Architectures
and Compilation Techniques for Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism, Orlando, FL, pages
321-330. North Holland, January 1993.
- T. Gross, S. Hinrichs, G. Lueh, D. O'Hallaron, J.Stichnoth, and J. Subholk.
Compiling Task and Data Parallel Programs for iWarp, Workshop on Languages,
Compilers, and Run-time Environments for Distributed Memory Machines, Sep. - Oct., 1992.