What's New on the Language Research Pages?

What's New (September 1995):

Sept. 29
Added a link to David Keppel's Instruction Set Simulation and Instruction-Level Program Tracing web page.

Added the proceedings of the 1995 Implementation of Functional Languages Workshop (IFL'95) to the conferences page. Also added a link to the PACT '96 (Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques) web page.

Sept. 26
Added Carolyn Talcott's home page.
Sept. 25
Updated the link to the State in functional languages bibliography.

Added the SUIF Compiler Workshop and MASPLAS '96 (Mid-Atlantic States Student Workshop on Programming Languages and Systems) web pages to the conferences page.

Sept. 20
You can follow the Aspenaes meeting (listed on the conferences page) in not-quite real time, courtesy of John Hughes. The web page for the meeting will contain meeting notes, speakers, titles, and abstracts.

Added The Hypertext Bibliography Project to the bibliographies page. It contains searchable bibliographies for Information and Computation, JACM, STOC, LICS, and FOCS.

Added the FACS Europe Call for Columns on functional programming to the publications page.

Added the call for papers for the Journal of Symbolic Computation's Special Issue on Executable Temporal Logics to the publications page.

Sept. 19
Aded the WCSSS '96 (Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software) web page to the conferences page.
Sept. 18
Added Gerald Baumgartner's home page.
Sept. 14
Updated the link to Mitch Wand's home page, and added a link to his semantics bibliography on the bibliographies page.
Sept. 13
Updated the link to Norman Ramsey's home page.

Added the Logic in Computer Science (LICS) Newsletter Archive to the publications page. The LICS '96 call for papers has also been released recently.

Sept. 11
Added Mikhail Auguston's home page.
Sept. 6
Added the ECOOP '96 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming) web page to the conferences page.

Added the High Performance Fortran Language Specification to the language overviews page.

Sept. 5
Updated the link to Jon Hill's home page.

What's new: August 1995

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Additions and corrections are welcome!