Summer League Registration

In order to play in Summer League, you need to register. Registration costs $30 for returning players and $20 for newbies. The money is used to pay for the fields we play on and for occasional post-game parties. If this is a problem for you, let me know and we will work something out. The way things are set up, the form does not guarantee that you will play on the team you request. This is because they want to spread around the talent a little. However, I have been assured by the commissioner that because our team is so lacking in talent anyone who wants to play on it can (obviously swigging talent is not kept in mind here). If you run into any trouble with this, please let me know and I will straighten it out.

1996 Pittsburgh Summer League Application

This form can be found online. You can also cut it out and just mail it in.
home phone:
work phone:

Date you started playing ultimate: MM  YY 
Please indicate your skill level : 

       Wiley Veteran : been playing for years and knows a few tricks 
       Veteran : been playing for years, but still needs some polishing 
       Experienced : has played a bit, but doesn't quite have the throws 
       Rookie : has never played in summer league anywhere, 
         nor for any college or club team (I.M. sports do not count) 

If you've played before (on a collge or club team), what are the most 
recent dates of the levels of competition at which you've played? 


Do you already have a team or core player(s) for whom you wish to play? 
Indicate Preference : 

Also please feel free to include any other information you wish to include.

non-rookies - dues are $30
rookies     - dues are $20
Please send your check or money order (no cash) to: 

Hope Celini 
546 So. Trenton Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Checks should be made out to "Committee for Pittsburgh Ultimate