INWO Deck: The Right Wing Revolution
by Dennis Palmero
Liberal Lunatics got you down? Are you worried about a lack
of family values in the world today? Do not sit there my
friends, gather up your bibles, let your voices be heard!
Show those Discordian Weirdos just how the world ought to be!
Of course, maybe you just feel this way because the true power
behind the Right Wing Revolution are aliens from another planet
- at least, some of these ideas are out of this world. But if
this is true, who controls the aliens? You're not cleared for
The Deck
- Congressional Wives
- Deprogrammers
- Fred Birch Society
- Local Police Departments
- Moral Minority
- Nancy Reagan
- Nephews of God
- Religious Reich
- Republicans
- Ronald Reagan
- Ross Perot
- TV Preachers
- Texas
- Cyborg Soldiers
- Immortality Serum
- Orbital Mind Control Lasers
- Servants of Cthulhu
- Law and Order (NWO)
- World Hunger (NWO)
- Let Them Eat Cake (Goal)
- 18 1/2 Minute Gap
- Bribery
- Citizenship Award
- Clone
- Cover of Darkness
- Deasil Engine
- Dollars for Decency
- Forgery
- Fundie Money
- Good Polls
- Grassroots Support
- Head in a Jar
- Jihad
- Just Say No
- Messiah
- Mistaken Identity
- Murphy's Law
- Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know
- Seize the Time!
- Slush Fund
- Straighten Up!
- Talisman of Ahrimanes
- The Second Bullet
- Unmasked!
Lead with the TV Preachers. It has a +6 to take control of any
Straight Fanatic group. Currently, there's only one group
that's straight and fanatic: The Moral Minority. That doesn't
mean that another group that's already fanatic in an opponent's
power structure can't become straight!
General Strategy
Its hard not to be overly obvious when you start bringing out
one straight and conservative group one after another. Attack
to control the Moral Minority from the TV Preachers as soon as
you can - it should be an easy roll. Bring out the Republicans
as an ATO, then attack with the Republican token to get Texas.
Make bible thumping noises - even with this much conservative
power, it may look like you're going for a Church theme,
especially since Texas is in the "Bible Belt", and the Moral
Minority and TV Preachers are obvious. If the Discordians are
in the game, bring out the Deprogrammers and give them Grass
Roots support to really cause the Discordians some worry.
(Evil nasty godless weird *FREAKS*!) If you get a chance,
destroy a liberal, or weird, group or two. Get two liberals
down and you may be able to bring out your Let Them Eat Cake!
Goal for the win. Your opponents may begin to suspect the
goal, so keep in mind that you can Unmask! As the Servants of
Cthulu, and have those destroyed groups count for your victory
conditions as well!
Link the Cyborg Soldiers to Texas, if you can. Its 12
conservative power comes in very useful when the power of
righteousness needs to be called upon.
If you can bring out the OMCL's (everyone loves the OMCL's, so
deasil engines + Cover of Darkness, Weak Links + Cover of
Darkness, and Forgeries are always useful), start zapping
things into being Straight and Fanatical for the TV Preachers
to get their grubby little hands on them. Or, zap things into
being Liberal, and then blow them up with a Cyborg'ed Texas.
Drop Fred Birch to help you for an Illuminated Win, and
remember that with each straight group you control, the Moral
Minority steadily becomes the Moral Majority with +1 power for
each straight group!
Ross Perot can be useful to convert groups into being straight
and conservative, especially captures from other people.
Toward the end game, its possible to try for an accelerated
win via Nancy Reagan attacking to control Ronald Reagan. Her
bonus of +10 makes Ron and easy target for her, and with a lot
of conservative groups backing her up, she may pull off a Basic
Win for you.
New World Orders
There are two NWO's in this deck, one to help you, and one to
hinder others. The Law and Order NWO
is there to increase the power of your straight and
conservative groups. The other, World Hunger, is there to
decrease the power of Liberal groups and nations. I've found
World Hunger to be especially powerful against Shangri-La,
since many peaceful groups are also either Liberal or Nations.
That -2 really hurts their accumulation of 30 peaceful points,
not to mention making it easier for you to destroy those evil
nasty godless tax and spend liberal organizations!
Role-Playing Tips
Part of the fun of INWO comes in the role-playing, and this
deck is fun for that! Taking over congress is *not* enough,
the Right Wing wants nothing less than complete control over
the world! Decades of failed liberal policy and the
degredation of human values has caused society to go back to
what worked "in the good old days"! Can they do it? Are they
mad? Or just controlled by insane space aliens? Or... *are*
they space aliens?
Back to the Deck of the Week.