Robert Collins and Takeo Kanade,
"Multi-Camera Tracking and Visualization for Surveillance and Sports,"
Fourth International Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Vision, 
Kyoto Japan, March 22-24, 2001, pp.27-55.


We present two systems developed at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) that use multiple active cameras to track and display objects moving through an outdoor scene. The Video Surveillance and Monitoring (VSAM) system uses a network of smart sensors to perform campus surveillance. Using a cost-based scheduling approach, multiple sensors are automatically tasked to cooperatively track objects over long distances and through occlusion. Multi-sensor fusion algorithms use viewpoint-independent descriptors to combine these object hypotheses into coherent 2D and 3D graphical visualizations of the dynamic scene. The second system presented is designed for sports broadcasting. Multiple cameras surrounding a stadium form a master-slave servo system that allows a single cameraman to track a player simultaneously from many viewpoints. Playing back frames from one time step across a sequence of cameras gives the appearance of moving around the action while it is frozen in time. This heightens the viewer's ability to perceive the 3D spatial relationships between players, the ball, and field markers.

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