Workshop on
Agents for Electronic Commerce and
Managing the Internet-Enabled Supply Chain
Seattle, Washington, May 1, 1999
Accepted Papers
An Agent-based Market Supporting Multiple Auction Protocols
Michael Vetter Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, Stuttgart
Stfan Pitsch Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, Stuttgart
Adaptive Web Stores
Liliana Ardissono Dip. di Informatica. Universita di Torino
Cristina Barbero Dip. di Informatica. Universita di Torino
Anna Goy Giovanna Petrone Dip. di Informatica. Universita di Torino
A Negotiation-Based Multi-Agent System for Supply Chain Management
Ye Chen Dept of CS and EE, University of Maryland
Yun Peng Dept of CS and EE, University of Maryland
Tim Finin Dept of CS and EE, University of Maryland
Yannis Labrou Dept of CS and EE, University of Maryland
Scott Cost Dept of CS and EE, University of Maryland
Bill Chu Dept of CS University of North Carolina
Ronming Sun Dept of Mech Eng, University of North Carolina
Bob Wilhelm Dept of Mech Eng, University of North Carolina
Agent-Facilitated Real-Time Flexible Supply Chain Structuring
Daniel Dajun Zeng Dept. of Management of Information Science, University of Arizona
Katia P. Sycara The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Brokering Decision Support Resources for Supply Chaing Management
Atip Asvanund Heinz School of Public policy and management, Carnegie Mellon University
Hemant K. Bharagava Heinz School of Public policy and management, Carnegie Mellon University
Danny Fernandes Heinz School of Public policy and management, Carnegie Mellon University
Ramayya Krishnan Heinz School of Public policy and management, Carnegie Mellon University
Rema Padman Heinz School of Public policy and management, Carnegie MellonUniversity
Negotiation among Agents in a Multi-Agent Environment Supporting Peer-Help: a Decison-Theoretic Approach
Chhaya Mudgal Dept. of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
Julita Vassileva Dept. of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
Free Market Control for a Multi-Agent Based Peer Help Environment
Kevin Kostuik Dept. of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
Julita Vassileva Dept. of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
Implementing the Intername Enabled Supply Chain through a Collaborative Agent System
Weiming Shen Div of Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary
Mihaela Ulieru Div of Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary
Douglas H. Morrie Div of Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary
Rob Kremer Dept of Computer Science, University of Calgary
Plan Execution by Contracting in a Multi-Agent Environment
John Collins Dept. of CS and EE, University of Minnesota
Maxisim Tsvetovat Dept. of CS and EE, University of Minnesota
Maria Gini Dept. of CS and EE, University of Minnesota
Bamshad Mobasher School of CS, Telecom and Info Systems, DePaul University
An Agent-based Architecture for an Electronic Market Place
Marcel Albers CRISP BV's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Catholijn M. Jonker Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mehrzad Karami CRISP BV's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Jan Treur Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ants in the Supply Chain
John A. Sauter ERIM, Ann Arbor Mi
H. Van Dyke Parunak ERMI
MASCOT: An Architecture for Agent-Based Mixed Initiative Supply Chain Coordination
Norman M. Sadeh The Robotics Institute CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
David W. Hildum The Robotics Institute CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
Dag Kjenstad The Robotics Institute CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
- Allen Tseng The Robotics Institute CMU, Pittsburgh,PA
A Pattern Template for Intelligent Agent Systems
Raphael Malyankar Dept.CS,Arizona State University
Mobile Agent Support for Tracking Products in Virtual Enterprises
Nick Szirbik Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dieter Hammer Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Negotiation for Transportation Tasks with Stocastic payoffs
Goutam Satapathy Department of Industrial and manufacturing Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Soundar Kumara Department of Industrial and manufacturing Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Critical Research Issues in AgentBased Manufacturing Supply Webs
Dharmaraj Veeramani Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pawan Joshi Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Vivek Sharma Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Building Agents for Internet-base Supply Chain Integration
Craig Knoblock ISI, USC
Steve Minton ISI, USC