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Recent Publications

Yury Smirnov
"Applying AI to Manufacturing: Linear Order Promising and Production Planning" at the Workshop on eCommerce, AAAI'99.

Yury Smirnov
"Manufacturing Planning under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information" at the "Planning under Uncertainty" section of AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, 1999.

Yury Smirnov
"Be the Master of Your Success: How to Select Proper Heuristic Guidance for Search, Planning and Scheduling Problems" at the "Integrating Planning, Scheduling and Execution in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments" at AIPS'98.

Yury Smirnov, Manuela Veloso
"GenSAT: A Navigational Approach" at the 8th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( EPIA-97).

Sven Koenig, Yury Smirnov
"Sensor-Based Planning with the Freespace Assumption" at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-97).

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso
"Heuristic-Driven ``Treasure Hunt'' with Linear Performance Guarantees" , Congressus Numerantium journal, 117(1996), pp.193-205.

Yury Smirnov, Manuela Veloso
"Efficiency Competition through Representation Changes: Pigeonhole Principle versus Linear Programming Relaxation" (Postscript-249K or abstract )
at the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Conference ( , KR-96 ), pp.124-134.

Yury Smirnov, Manuela Veloso
"Representation Changes in Combinatorial Problems: Pigeonhole Principle versus Linear Programming Relaxation" (Postscript-98K) at the First International Workshop on Machine Learning, Forecasting and Optimization ( MALFO-96 ), pp.161-172.

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso, Reid Simmons
"Efficient Goal-Directed Exploration" (Postscript-56K or abstract )
at the AAAI Conference-96, pp.292-297.

Sven Koenig, Yury Smirnov
"Graph Learning with a Nearest Neighbor Approach" (Postscript-114K or abstract ) at the Conference on Learning Theory ( COLT-96), pp.19-28.

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso
"Heuristic-Driven ``Treasure Hunt'' with Linear Performance Guarantees" at the XXVII Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Baton Rouge, 96 (abstract) .

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso
"Efficient Exploration of Unknown Environments" at the American Mathematical Society meeting at Kent, 95 (abstract) .

Yury Smirnov
"Efficiency Analysis in Search Problems" (Postscript-712K Ouch!) - my Thesis Proposal Document on cross-fertilization among Artificial Intelligence (AI), Operations Research (OR) and Computer Science Theory (CS theory). Available only to a limited number of Web-serfers. Here is the abstract that is publicly available.


Russian Publications

Two Geometrical problems stated and solved in 9th grade while studying in a High School. One was published in the Journal "Quant", Moscow, 1980, N2, the other - later in the same journal (I don't know the exact ref). They are pretty challenging even for university seniors or grads.

USSR Patent on "Impuls-Feeding Device for PROMs," implemented in PROM Memory Banks for Signal Processors installed in Russian fighters Mig-29, Mig-31 and cargo transportation planes AN-124.

A couple of papers on Multicriteria and Non-linear Optimization:

"High-order Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Multicriteria Optima" - diploma work at Leningrad State University, covers the cases of finite and infinite-dimensional spaces, differentiable utility and constraining functions, convex cone constraints (for example, shows that the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin is the necessary first-order condition). Semidefinite Programming is also a particular case of this general theory.

"Mathematical Models and Methods for Optimal Designing Complex Special-Purpose Radar Systems" at the Second National Conference on Methods of Representation and Treatment of Stochastic Signals and Fields, Tuapse, 1989, pp.56-59.
In this paper we discuss how to reduce the problem of optimal designing complex systems to optimal designing their subsystems with respect to multiple optimality criteria. We apply our approach to Special-Purpose Radar Systems with additive and multiplicative utility functions.

"Reducing the Redundancy of Information Systems by Methods of Multicriteria Optimization" at the 10th National Symposium on Problems of Redundancy of Information Systems, Leningrad Institute of Aviation Industry, 1989, vol.2, pp.32-39.
Basicly in this paper we show how to manage trade-offs between the redundancy of the stored information and its utility.

"Stable Impulse-Feeding Device for a Single Power Source", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Radar Systems, 1989, vol.16, pp.77-81.
In this paper we show the design of a stable impulse-feeding device that in its term is feeded from a general single 5V source. This device is intended for unselected PROM elements and digital logic in off-cycle time. Regular transistor-based scheme with the voltage drop based on the amount of loading is improved by bringing in microtransformers raising the PNP collector's input by 0.5-0.6V during the request to PROM. This "trick" reduces the amount of required transistors and levels out the voltage of PROM input to 5.0+-0.2V in the range of temperatures from -60C to +125C.

"Multiple Optimality Criterias in Designing Complex Special-Purpose Systems", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Radar Systems, 1989, vol.16, pp.93-104.

"Optimal Checking PRAM Modules", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Radar Systems, 1989, vol.16, pp.121-130.
This paper covers modeling failures and designing test procedures with the least number of writes/reads to/from PRAM CW/EW/CR/ER.

"On Finding Optimal Sizes of Aluminum Radiator Assemblies", Leningrad Agricultural Academy, 1987, ser. Heavy Tractors, pp.27-32.
This paper states the problem of optimal design of Radiator Assemblies as constraint satisfaction with pre-set limits on maximal sizes, max.weight, min. cooling factor, cost of material, cost of assembling, etc.

"Improving Reliability of Memory Devices through Error-Correcting Codes", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Airborne Computer Systems, 1987, vol.10, pp.25-37.
Error-Correcting Codes can drastically improve the reliability of PROM devices. Is customer ready to pay for it by the reduction in performance, increase in cost, weight, size, etc.?

"Efficient Troubleshooting PROM Devices", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Airborne Computer Systems, 1987, vol.10, pp.58-65.
What are the typical faulures of Airborne PROM devices, how to detect them efficiently?

3-4 more papers on Multicriteria Optimization (in Russian).

Yury Smirnov (smir+@cs.cmu.edu)