Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering invites applications for
a tenure-track faculty position beginning Fall 1997.  Responsibilities
include research, graduate student supervision, and graduate and
undergraduate teaching.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. in computer
engineering, computer science, or a closely related field.  We are
particularly interested in candidates with research interests in real-time,
embedded systems, and simulation; computer and communication networks, and
multi-media; and software engineering.  The appointment will be made at the
Assistant Professor level.

The Department currently has 11 full-time faculty members and supports
strong undergraduate and graduate programs.  Faculty research areas include
software engineering, parallel computation, artificial intelligence,
computer and communication networks, and human-computer interaction.
Departmental resources include a network of Sun workstations that is linked
to the College of Engineering's Sun network and the Internet.  Auburn
University, with over 21,000 students, is Alabama's land-grant university,
located 100 miles southwest of Atlanta.  More information about the
Department and faculty research interests can be obtained from the
Department's WWW home page.  The URL is

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and
telephone numbers of three references to James H. Cross II, Chair,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Auburn University, AL
36849-5347.  Questions can be emailed to  Review of
applications will begin on December 1, 1996, and will continue until the
position is filled.  Auburn University is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply.