Boston University

Department of Computer Science

Applications are invited for a tenure-track assistant professorship beginning September 1997. Qualifications required of all applicants include: a Ph.D. in computer science; a strong research record; and commitment to research and teaching. The department has a special interest in candidates from the areas of database, visualization and computer graphics.

The Computer Science Department currently consists of 11 faculty, and offers B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. programs. Our research interests include parallel, distributed and real-time systems; parallel languages and compilers; networks; image and video computing; logic of computation; and theoretical computer science. The department has excellent computing resources that include Sun and SGI workstations and servers, as well as dedicated laboratories for research in distributed systems, real-time systems, networks and graphics.

In the last year the department has been the recipient of significant grants for research infrastructure and for graduate student support. We have a close association with other groups on campus working on aspects of computing, and access to university facilities including SGI Power Challenge array, supercomputers, SGI Origin 2000 and campuswide high-speed networks (FDDI and HiPPI).

Additional information on the department and this search is available from For maximum consideration, applications should be received by Jan. 30, 1997. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Qualified applicants should send a detailed resume and arrange for at least three references to be sent to Faculty Search Committee, Computer Science Department, 111 Cummington St., Boston University, Boston, MA 02215.

Please include a cover letter that states the names of your references and your major area of specialization.

These positions are offered pending final university approval. Boston University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, persons with disabilities and women are particularly encouraged to apply.