The Center for Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Applications

PostDoc Positions

The Center for Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and
Applicationswas established in September 1996 at Charles University in
Prague as a joint project of Charles University, Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic and Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.
DIMATIA staff together with graduate students and the Combinatorial Seminar
 provide a very active center of theoretical studies.

DIMATIA  staff:
 I. Havel, V. Janota,
 M. Klazar, J. Kraj\'\i \v cek, J. Kratochv\'\i l (deputy director),
 L. Ku\v cera,
 M. Loebl, J. Matou\v sek, J. Ne\v set\v ril (director), P. Pan\v co\v ska,
 D. Turz\'\i k, P. Pudl\'ak, J. Sgall,
 P. Valtr,

Prague is one of the most attractive cities of Europe and DIMATIA
is located in the historical center of the city.

 DIMATIA is open to and actively seeks
partners from all parts of the world.
Presently the associated foreign institutions include DIMACS New Jersey,
LaBRI Bordeaux, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and Pacific Institute
of Mathematical Sciences. Representatives of these
institutions take an active part in organization of scientific activities

One of the main programmes is to foster basic research and give possibility
to young students and postdocs to work in a high level scientific environment.
Towards this end the center has an extensive visitors programme and offers
various possibilities of research stays for graduate students and postdocs
positions. In particular we announce the following:

- DIMATIA is offering 2 postdoctoral positions in any field of its interests
starting from the summer 1997. The positions are intended for research-oriented
mathematicians and computer scientists and carry minimal teaching duties.
The perspective beginning of the position is Sept 1, but this may be negotiated.
The minimal period to which the applicants may apply is 3 months, the full
lenghth of the position is 1 year (12 months) and it may be prolonged.
The financial support is comparable to the salary of an associate professor,
plus the accommodation of the grantees will be covered.
The applicants should specify which time period they consider. Longer stays 
will have preference. The positions are open to all nationalitie.

- For German applicants, DIMATIA is offering further 2 positions, which
 will be financed jointly with Alexander von Humboltd foundation within the
framework of the Feodor Lynnen fellowship.

The applicants should send a letter of application, list of publications,
curriculum vitae and 1 letter  of reference to DIMATIA until May 15, 1997
(this applies to both of the offerings).
For more details visit our www page at
or contact us by e-mail to

Hard copy applications and further correspondence should be sent to:

	A. Skybov\'a
	Malostransk\'e n\'am. 25
	118 00 Praha 1
	Czech Republic