Department of Computer and Information Science

     Applications are invited for tenure track positions at
     all levels. We are particularly interested in candidates
     in the following areas:
     compilers, computer architecture, operating systems, parallel
     and distributed systems, programming languages, and software engineering.
     A candidate must have a strong research record including
     significant publications and the demonstrated ability
     to secure external funds through grants or contracts
     appropriate to the level applied for.

     The Department of Computer and Information Science
     offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees.  Areas of active research include
     computational biology, computational geometry, image analysis
     and understanding, large distributed data bases, network management,
     serial, parallel, distributed and randomized algorithms,
     parallel and distributed systems and architecture,
     pattern matching and recognition, and software reliability and testing.
     Polytechnic University (formerly known as Brooklyn
     Poly) is located on three campuses
     in the New York City metropolitan area.

     Qualified applicants should send their curriculum vitae
     to the Head of Faculty Search Committee, Department of
     Computer and Information Science, Polytechnic
     University, Six MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201;
     e-mail facsrch@morph.poly.edu.

     Polytechnic is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
     For more information, see http://cis.poly.edu.