A temporary instructorship in Computer Science may also be available to begin in August, 1997. At least a masters degree and a potential for excellence in teaching is required. Teaching assignments for instructors are normally twelve hours per semester.
Formerly named Northeast Missouri State University, Truman is a highly selective public Liberal Arts and Sciences university which attracts high ability students from many states. It has been rated as one of the ten best buys in education by Money Magazine for the last four years. The student body includes approximately 6,000 students with 140 Computer Science majors.
Applicants should send a vita, statement of teaching philosophy, transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate study, and three letters of reference to:
Computer Science Search Committee
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO 63501
Review of applications for a January appointment will begin immediately. For an August appointment, applications must be completed by January 15, 1997 to be guaranteed full consideration for tenure-tack positions, but applications will be accepted until the search is concluded, inquiries may be directed to Dr. Eric Howard at the address above or at ehoward@truman.edu. Truman is an Equal Employment Opportunity institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.