The CISC Department offers the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer and Information Science. There are currently nine full-time faculty members, approximately one hundred majors in its CSAB-certified undergraduate program, and a small but growing number of graduate students. The Department has a variety of computing equipment (DEC VAX, Sun, SGI, PC, Mac) available for faculty and student use, and maintains several specialized laboratories for graphics, image processing, UNIX, and networking, with several more planned. Additionally, the Department maintains grant and coop arrangements with several high-technology companies in the Little Rock area, and faculty and students are actively encouraged to explore and enhance these relationships.
UALR is a comprehensive urban university serving an international student body of 11,000 students. It is the second largest university in the Arkansas system, and is located on a beautiful 150-acre campus a few miles from downtown Little Rock. Little Rock, the geographic, economic, population, and political center of the state, is a pleasant cosmopolitan city of 175,000, and affords ample cultural and recreational opportunities year-round. It is a short drive from some of the most scenic areas to be found anywhere. Please send cover letter, vitae, statement of citizenship or immigration classification, and at least three letters of recommendation to Dr. Steven Minsker, Chair, CISC Dept, UALR, 2801 South University Ave, Little Rock AR 72204. Review of applications will begin March 15, 1997, and will continue until the position is filled.
UALR is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons with disabilities. Under Arkansas law, all applications are subject to disclosure.