Department of Computer Science

          Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assistant/Associate
          Professor position in Computer Science to begin August 16, 1997.
          Applicants must have a PhD in Computer Science, or related area,
          with an emphasis in Software Engineering. Further, applicants should
          be able to demonstrate a commitment to teaching and scholarship in
          an undergraduate program. UCA is an institution of approximately
          9000 students situated in a community of 35,000 within 25 miles of the
          Little Rock Metropolitan area. Facilities include a lab with ten SGI
          Indigo Workstations and a campus network of PC's running Novel
          netware and Microsoft Window's Application. Normal teaching load
          is twelve per semester. The position is contingent on funding and the
          deadline for application is February 1, 1997, or until the position is
          filled. Mail vita, three letters of reference, and graduate transcripts to
          Charles J. Seifert, Chair, Department of Computer Science, UCA Box
          4945, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 72035-0001. 

          UCA is an AA/EOE.