Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
The Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering invites
applications for tenured faculty positions at all ranks in all areas of
computer science and engineering. Applicants in the area of database
management with interests and accomplishments in heterogeneous information
systems, data mining, data warehousing and/or parallel and distributed
databases are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants must possess a
doctoral degree in computer science, computer engineering or equivalent and
show a strong record and commitment to teaching and research. The positions
are available starting in the 1997-98 academic year.
Applicants should send their resumes and the names and addresses of at
least four references to Professor Randy Chow, Chair, Faculty Search and
Screening Committee, Department of Computer and Information Science and
Engineering, 301 CSE, University of Florida, PO Box 116120, Gainesville, FL
32611-6120, Tel. 352-392-1487, e-mail:
Closing date: April 15, 1997. The University of Florida is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer. This faculty search will be
conducted in compliance with the "Florida's Government in the Sunshine