Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science

The Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science
invites applications for five tenure-track positions beginning in
August 1997. The department has planned to advance significantly in
quality and size in the near future and the University is committed to
continuously support the development. 

We are seeking candidates with research and teaching interests in all
aspects of computer engineering and computer science. Applications
for appointments at all professorial levels will be considered, but those
at the assistant professor level will be given preference. Applicants
for starting junior positions should have or are about to complete a
PhD in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field,
and should show evidence of excellent research and teaching
promise. Applicants for senior positions should have outstanding
research and excellent funding records. Successful applicants will be
expected to establish a quality research program, to teach both
graduate and undergraduate courses, and to participate in student

Applicants should send a resume, a statement of future teaching and
research plans, and a list of three references with addresses
(including Email) and telephone/fax numbers to: Prof. Xinhua Zhuang,
Chair of the Faculty Search Committee, Department of Computer
Engineering and Computer Science, 201 Engineering Building West,
University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri 65211.
Immigration status of non-United States citizens should be stated.
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.