Department of Computer Science

                        Two Faculty Positions

   Applications are invited for two tenure-track faculty positions in
Computer Science for Fall 1997 at either the assistant, associate,
or full professor level. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in computer
science or computational science. Appointment at the assistant
level requires that the applicant must hold a Ph.D. at the time
of appointment and demonstrate strong interests in both research
and teaching. Appointment at the associate or full level requires
a documented record of sustained excellence in both research
and teaching. Applicants from all areas of computer science or
computational science are solicited. We are primarily interested
in individuals with research expertise in one of the following
areas: high performance systems, parallel computing, parallel
and distributed numerical algorithms, scientific databases.
A demonstrated interest in multi-disciplinary applied research is
highly desirable.

   The department currently consists of twelve faculty members who
support B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. programs enrolling approximately 25
Ph.D. and 40 M.S. students. Teaching loads and salary are consistent
with those in other Ph.D. granting departments. More information
about the department and the College can be obtained by connecting
to the departmental Web server:

   The department maintains a network of Sun, Linux/Pentium, and SGI
workstations used for both teaching and research. A four processor
SGI Onyx with Reality Engine II graphics and a 1024-node MasPar MP-2
are also supported. Opportunities exist for joint research activity
with scientists and engineers at the nearby NASA Langley Research
Center and the DOE's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

   A resume and any supporting documents should be sent to:

      Faculty Search Committee
      Department of Computer Science
      College of William and Mary
      P.O. Box 8795
      Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

Candidates should also have three letters of recommendation sent
to the same address.

   Questions can be e-mailed to  Review of
candidates will begin on February 1, 1997 and continue until
the position is filled. The College of William and Mary is an
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action University. Members of
under-represented groups (including people of color, persons with
disabilities, Vietnam veterans, and women) are encouraged to apply.