Bovik's Mail--entertain/ski

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Skiing in Pennsylvania                   Feb 93 David.Kosbie@KOZ.GARNET.CS.CMU.EDU
Summary: Cross country skiing.           Feb 93 Peter.Cousseau@A.NL.CS.CMU.EDU
Ski Equipment Rentals                    Mar 92 David_Miller@FANGORN.GANDALF.CS.CMU.EDU
skiing                                   Jan 92 Avrim.Blum@BLUM.PC.CS.CMU.EDU
Re: Skiing                               Jan 92 Scott Crowder <R_Scott_Crowder@RSC.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU>
Skiing                                   Dec 89 Charles D. Hendrix <>
XC Skiing at Laurel Ridge State Park     Feb 87
Cross Country Sking                      Feb 87 Edward.Czeck@faraday.ECE.CMU.EDU
local skiing:                            Jan 83 Randy.Pausch@CMU-CS-G

Harry Q. Bovik