The CMU Learning Robot Laboratory Data Toolkit
Joseph O'Sullivan Carnegie Mellon University
The Learning Robot Laboratory at CMU recently started distributing
real-world data collected from it's mobile robot.
The goal of this action is two-fold; to make robot data available to researcherswithout access to a mobile robot and to encourage cross comparison of different
methods by running them on the same data.
We present a description of our robot and the type of data it provides.
We briefly describe a selection of utilities that have been created
for reviewing this data and show how these data sets have been used in practice.
As a result of our experience, we make some recommendations as to
requirements for a common robot learning dataset made available over the
Appendixes describe how to access the data and tools, and
summarize our existing data sets.
Joseph Kieran O'Sullivan
Last modified: Sun Jan 19 13:10:45 EST 1997