High-Level Planning and Low-Level Execution:
Towards a Complete Robotic Agent
Karen Zita Haigh and Manuela M. Veloso,
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Autonomous Agents 1997. Pages 245-22.
We have been developing ROGUE, an architecture that
integrates high-level planning with a low-level executing robotic agent.
ROGUE is designed as the office gofer task planner for
Xavier the robot. User requests are interpreted as high-level planning goals,
such as getting coffee, and picking up and delivering mail or faxes. Users post
tasks asychronously and ROGUE controls the corresponding
planning and execution continuous process. This paper presents the extensions
to a nonlinear state-space planning algorithm to allow for the interaction to
the robot executor. We focus on presenting how executable steps are identified
based on the planning model and the predicted execution performance; how
interrupts from users requests are handled and incorporated into the system;
how executable plans are merged; and how monitoring execution can add more
perception knowledge to the planning and possible needed re-planning processes.
The complete ROGUE system will learn from its planning
and execution experiences to improve upon its own behaviour with time.