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Educational Experience

1989 - present: Carnegie Mellon University      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
  Ph.D. in Computer Science (expected), October 1996 
    Thesis: Automatic Modeling and Localization for Object Recognition 
    Advisor: Katsushi Ikeuchi 
    Support: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship 
    Area Qualifiers: Artificial Intelligence (Major), Computer Systems (Minor) 
  M.S. in Computer Science, 1993 

1985 - 1989: Tulane University                  New Orleans, Louisiana
  B.S.E. summa cum laude in Computer Engineering, 1989 
    G.P.A.: 3.966/4.0
    Honors: Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu (electrical engineering), 
    Outstanding Senior in Computer Engineering 
    Scholarships: Deans' Honor Scholarship,  Martin Marietta Foundation Scholarship 

1987 - 1988: Cambridge University               Cambridge, England
  Studied at Queens' College and the Computer Laboratory through the 
  Junior Year Abroad Honors program of Tulane University. 
  Completed the Computer Science Tripos, Part II (the final year of the B.A. degree).

1984: Mississippi State University              Starkville, Mississippi
  Completed 6 credit hours during the summer session while still a junior in high school. 

1981 - 1985: St. Stanislaus College             Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
  High School Diploma
    G.P.A.: 3.97/4.0
    Honors: Salutatorian, Mathematics Award, Mississippi Governors School
      Mississippi High School Math and Science Competition (1985): 1st Math, 1st Physics 
      Xavier University Math and Science Olympiad (1985): 1st Math, 2nd Physics, 3rd overall 

Mark Wheeler