CMU Intramural Information Page
Official Intramural Page
Intramural Office: Room 101 of the gym
Director: Mike Mastroianni X8-2214
Asst Director: Mike Grzywinski 683-2938
Secretary: Michelle Matta X8-2053
Bboard: cmu.andrew.official.athletic-dept-news
Email Entries:
Detailed information:
Other information
Each sport has 4 divisions:
MAJORS (serious competition, high skill level)
INTERMEDIATE (good skill level)
MINORS (play for fun)
WOMEN ONLY (women can play in any division)
Time committment: Each season is about 5-8 games followed by playoffs.
1 or 2 games per week during the season.
Spouses: A student's spouse or significant other can participate in sports
as long as they are both on the same team.