To Vote: you have 10 points to distribute among your favorite logos however you wish with one exception: do not vote for your own logo.
The logo with the most combined points will be the winner.
If there is not a decisive winner, the top two will be chosen in a second vote and everyone will choose from the top two or possibly three. We want a logo that has wide appeal.
Voting example: suppose you may like Logo 2 the most closely followed by Logo 6. Your vote might be:
Logo 2: 6
Logo 6: 4
or if you really liked 2 a lot:
Logo 2: 9
Logo 6: 1
The winning logo will be cleaned up professionally for production use, try to consider
the logo idea that has the most potential and try not to judge based on how clean or professional the digitized version here looks.
Please send your list by email to
Votes will be tabulated at midnight Monday the 24rd of April.
I will compile the votes and return the results to the SAM'S STAFF mail list.
Logo 1
Logo 2
Logo 3
Logo 4
Logo 5
Logo 6
Logo 7
Logo 8
Logo 9