Structure of the Internet Today

Three primary components in the new NSFNET architecture:

  • The four NSF-awarded Network Access Points (NAPs), to which all Network Service Providers (NSPs) attach:

    An additional interconnection point, known as MAE-West , is provisioned by MFS Datanet, located in San Jose CA, a bridged FDDI/Ethernet hybrid. A map by CERFNET shows what NSP connections to the NAPS existed as of May, 1995.

  • The NSF-funded Routing Arbiter project provides routing coordination for the NAPs. RA is a partnership between Merit Network, Inc., USC ISI, IBM, UMich ROC

  • The vBNS (very high speed Backbone Network Service), based on OC-3 (155Mbit/sec) ATM links connecting PSC, NCSA, San Diego SC, NCAR, Cornell Theory Center, funded by NSF and provided by MCI
  • For additional information, see
    and .

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