This morph video is the result of an assignment in Computer Graphics 2 (15-463), the 2nd semester computer graphics class for undergrads at Carnegie Mellon University, in Spring 1995. The assignment was for each student to take a digitized picture of himself and "morph" it into the picture of the next student in the sequence. Morphing consists of warping the shape of the picture and simultaneously cross-dissolving between the two pictures (see SIGGRAPH '92 paper by Beier and Neely). There were 20 students in the sequence, and each one generated 60 frames, so played back at 30 frames per second that's about one minute of animation. The students set up the correspondence between their face and the next face using an interactive X windows program, wrote their own C or C++ code to do the morphing, and generated the 60 frames. Each student used over 20 megabytes of disk space to generate all those pictures. Computing all the pictures took from 20 minutes to 10 hours of CPU time per student, but they had acccess to multiple workstations, so many students distributed the processing on several machines around campus. Every fourth frame (300 frames) at 400x300 pixel resolution were MPEG-ed to create the above video, compressing by 200:1 and creating a 500k file. Credits for video: FACE ANIMATOR OF MORPH TO NEXT FACE Donald Nelson Donald Nelson Curtis Beeson Curtis Beeson Brian Hawkins Brian Hawkins Joe Demers Joe Demers Anton Staaf Anton Staaf Kevin Serafini Kevin Serafini Alexandre Cunha Alexandre Cunha Philip Nemec Philip Nemec Karl Fischer Karl Fischer Michael Herf Michael Herf Joshua Marks Joshua Marks Zoran Popovic Zoran Popovic * Jason McMullan Jason McMullan Ashish Kolli Ashish Kolli Brent Thomas Brent Thomas Sundar Vedula Sundar Vedula Sebastian Grassia Glenn Durfee Tian Lim Tian Lim Andy Witkin Paul Heckbert Michael Garland Michael Garland * Paul Heckbert Paul Heckbert Kevin Ross Kevin Ross *this segment is not in mpeg