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- 1
Minoru Asada, Eiji Uchibe, Shoichi Noda, Sukoya Tawaratsumida, and Koh Hosoda.
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Jong-Hwan Kim, editor.
Proceedings of the Micro-Robot World Cup Soccer Tournament,
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Hiroaki Kitano, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Itsuki Noda, Minoru Asada, Hitoshi Matsubara,
and Eiichi Osawa.
RoboCup: A challenge problem for AI.
AI Magazine, 18(1):73-85, Spring 1997.
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Hiroaki Kitano, Milind Tambe, Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, Silvia Coradeschi,
Eiichi Osawa, Hitoshi Matsubara, Itsuki Noda, and Minoru Asada.
The RoboCup synthetic agent challenge 97.
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Jean-Claude Latombe.
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Hitoshi Matsubara, Itsuki Noda, and Kazuo Hiraki.
Learning of cooperative actions in multi-agent systems: a case study
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In Adaptation, Coevolution and Learning in Multiagent Systems:
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Itsuki Noda and Hitoshi Matsubara.
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Randy Sargent, Bill Bailey, Carl Witty, and Anne Wright.
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Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
A layered approach to learning client behaviors in the RoboCup
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- 15
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
Towards collaborative and adversarial learning: A case study in
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International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 48(1):83-104,
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- 16
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
Using decision tree confidence factors for multiagent control.
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- 17
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
Task decomposition and dynamic role assignment for real-time
strategic teamwork.
In J. P. Müller, M. P. Singh, and A. S. Rao, editors,
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Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, and Patrick Riley.
The CMUnited-98 champion simulator team.
In Minoru Asada and Hiroaki Kitano, editors, RoboCup-98:
Robot Soccer World Cup II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
To Appear.
- 19
Manuela Veloso, Michael Bowling, Sorin Achim, Kwun Han, and Peter Stone.
The CMUnited-98 champion small robot team.
In Minoru Asada and Hiroaki Kitano, editors, RoboCup-98:
Robot Soccer World Cup II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
To Appear.
- 20
Manuela Veloso, Peter Stone, and Kwun Han.
The CMUnited-97 robotic soccer team: Perception and multiagent
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Autonomous Agents, Minneapolis, MN, May 1998.
- 21
Manuela Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han, and Sorin Achim.
CMUnited-97: RoboCup-97 small-robot world champion team.
AI Magazine, 19(3):61-69, 1998.
- 22
Manuela Veloso, William Uther, Masahiro Fujita, Minoru Asada, and Hiroaki
Playing soccer with legged robots.
In Proceedings of IROS-98, Intelligent Robots and Systems
Conference, Victoria, Canada, October 1998.
Peter Stone
Sat Oct 3 12:50:32 EDT 1998