Next: Free Ball
Up: Testing and Results
Previous: Simple Model
The behavior of the client for these tests was very simple. In
essence, the client would chase after the ball, and upon reaching it
would kick it at its goal. A low-level description of what the client
would do at each time step is given below.
- Query the memory for the position of the ball. If its not known
then look for it.
- If the ball is close enough to be kicked then:
- Query the memory for the location of the goal. If its not known
then look for it.
- Kick the ball toward the goal.
- If the ball is not close enough to be kicked then dash toward it.
Figure: The soccer field used by the simulator. The boxes mark out
where the players and ball were placed for the free ball
Peter Stone
Wed Dec 17 13:44:25 EST 1997