Cite as 1 Nat'l J. Sex. Orient. L. _____ (1995)
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Becoming Visible: Sexual Minorities in American Legal Education
Foreword: Becoming Visible
Prof. Mary Becker
University of Chicago
In this introduction to the Symposium Prof. Becker describes the
subsequent articles and gives her perspective on the difficult position of
gays and lesbians in the legal academy.
Tracking and Assessing the (Non)Inclusion of Courses on Sexuality and/or
Sexual Orientation in the American Law School Curriculum:
Reports From the Field After a Decade of Effort
Prof. Francisco Valdes
California Western School of Law
In this article Prof. Valdes presents his survey of American law
schools offering courses pertaining to sexual orientation and sexuality
issues and expresses "cautious optimism" about the future inclusion of gay
and lesbian issues in legal curricula.
What a Difference a Gay Makes: An Empirical Study of the Impact of 'Out'
Gay Law Faculty on Law School Curriculum and Policies
Prof. Steven Hartwell
University of San Diego
In this article Prof. Hartwell presents a study of out gay faculty in
American law schools and the correlation between out gay faculty and gay
student activity. (get gaylaw hartwell)
Dorothy's friend goes to law school
Kevin Reuther
Student, Harvard Law School
The experiences of a gay student at Harvard Law School.
Queer L
Brad Sears
Student, Harvard Law School
The experiences of a gay student at Harvard Law School.
Fighting to Win and Keep the Freedom to Marry: The Legal, Political,
and Cultural Challenges Ahead
Evan Wolfson
Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
In this series of documents Mr. Wolfson describes Lambda's work in
the area of marriage rights and provides information necessary for anyone
to help promote equal marriage rights for gays and lesbians including a
briefing on the legal status of the case and the tasks ahead, a series of
questionsand answers about marrage and gay people and finally a series of
documents designed to help gays and lesbians in all states gain legal
recognition of Hawaii marriages, assuming a victorious conclusion of the
litigation there.
Overview & Commentary: Bagaz 721/94 El-Al v. Danilowitz and the
Future of Sexual Minority Rights in Israel
Prof. Alon Harel
David Ben Gurion Scholar in Residence (1994-95)
University of Southern California Law Center
Lecturer in Law, Hebrew University
In this article Prof. Harel provides the context for and explains the
Supreme Court of Israel's recent decision in El-Al v. Danilowitz, in which
the Court held that same-sex partners of El-Al Airlines employees must be
granted the same benefits as cross-sex partners.
Translation of Judgment of Supreme Court of Israel in El-Al v. Danilowitz
Prof. Alex Stein
University of Miami
Lecturer in Law, Hebrew University