EMIGRATION COURSE: Tips on the Interview Process
Jeannette M. Wing
2/9/96, 2/7/97, 1/30/98, 12/4/98, 2/18/00
Why I Am Giving This Talk
- To help you.
- To help CMU SCS.
- You represent not just you, but also your advisor, SCS, and CMU.
* You are our ambassadors.
- Pre-Interview
- The Interview
- General Dos and Don'ts
- Typical Structure
- The Job Talk
- 1-on-1
- Department Head
- General Things to Keep in Mind
* Post-Interview
- You've sent your packet out.
- You've gotten a phone call inviting you to visit.
- You're sincerely interested in the place.
- Don't waste your time if you're not.
* Don't waste their time if you're not.
Pre-Interview: Dos and Don'ts
- Do your homework.
- Practice your job talk (at least) twice.
- Make up a list of questions to ask (more later...).
- Be prepared
- To explain your work to different audiences (more later...).
- To answer some tough questions from them (more later...).
- Bring a notebook (paper or electronic).
- Pack some presentable clothes and shoes you feel comfortable walkingand talking in. Think about the location of the place.
- Gentlemen: bring a coat and tie.
* Ladies: bring a dress or skirt.
Do Your Homework Goal: Know your audience. Find out
- Strengths and weaknesses of the place
- Who's on the faculty/research staff, especially the bigwigs, majorplayers, eccentrics, ``difficult'' ones
- How big (number of people) the place is
- A bit about the place's organization
- School: private vs. public, dept/school/univ relationship
- Lab: How broad and deep is the hierarchy? Matrix?
- Your advisor
- Other faculty or people who went to school there, taught or worked therebefore coming to CMU
- Fellow students who have visited there
- Friends of above
* Glossy brochures
Practice Your Job Talk
- Practice, but don't overpractice.
First time: It will be the worst talk you ever gave and ever willgive in your entire life. (Get some friends to play the
role of known ``difficult'' people.) Second time: It will be pretty good. Third time: It will be great. Nth time: It will bore you and the audience.
- Number your slides.
- Bring blank slides and pens.
* The talk itself (more later...)
The Interview: General Dos and Don'ts
- Be yourself
- Mind your manners.
- Be polite.
- Be respectful.
- Don't offend.
- Don't be (unnecessarily) argumentative. If you disagree with
someone, turn it into a fun technical debate, not a religiousargument.
More General Dos and Don'ts
- Show conviction, passion about something.
- Have an inner voice, a rudder that steers you. Know yourself.
- Show an interest in what people are saying, but
- Don't try too hard to please.
- Don't be too agreeable. Don't be spineless. Stand up for what you
believe in.
- Listen carefully to what people are asking or saying before answeringquestions or responding to comments.
- Don't say anything stupid.
- If you don't know anything about something don't pretend that you
- Don't be glib, especially with people you don't know.
- Keep detailed notes (peoples' names, impressions, etc.).
* Dress neatly.
Structure A typical two-day interview:
- Arrive the night before. Dinner maybe.
- Day 1
- Breakfast.
- 1-on-1s (30-60 minutes each).
- Talk.
- Lunch.
- 1-on-1s.
- Dinner.
- Collapse.
- Day 2: Repeat Day 1 minus talk, maybe minus dinner.
Somewhere in there:
- Tour of department (offices, labs, etc.).
- Talk with department head.
- 15-30 minutes private time to gather thoughts, go to bathroom.
* Jot down notes (before you go to bed).
The Job Talk Two main purposes
- To sell yourself (sales talk).
- To sell your research (technical talk).
There are different audiences in the same room
- 1-2 experts, people who know what you're talking about.
- Everyone else.
- Faculty/researchers in a tangentially-related field. (How can your
work help me?)
- Faculty/researchers outside of your field. (Do you sound like you
know what you're talking about? Does your research problem soundinteresting, worth solving?)
- Faculty/researchers who are known to be ``difficult.''
- Graduate students. (Watch out for some of them!)
- People out of touch with research, e.g., (some) administrators, old
I assume you know some general-rules-of-thumb about
- Giving a talk.
- Making slides.
...so what follows are just some reminders...
The Talk Itself Memorize
- The first couple of sentences
- Transition sentences (between slides)
- ``Dense'' sentences (e.g., with tricky definitions of highly technical terms)
- Catchy phrases
Before the talk
- Look at the audience.
- Take a deep breath.
- Relax. (Smile!)
During the talk
- Use eye contact.
- Pay attention to pace
- Pace yourself.
- You set the pace. It's your talk. You are in control.
- Use pauses effectively.
- Use feedback: head-nodders, puzzled expressions, blank stares.
At the end of the talk
- Say ``Thank you'' (or something that indicates you're done).
After the talk (or later that night)
- Reorder your slides.
- * Clean them, if necessary.
Bring slides as a backup for any laptop presentation you plan.
Dividing Up Your 60-Minute Slot
- First 15 minutes
- Motivate the problem you were trying to solve.
- Clearly and succinctly (for a general audience) state the problem and
explain your solution or approach.
- You need to convince everyone that what you did is interesting and
worth their time listening to.
- Next 2 minutes
- Start diving into technical talk.
- Next 20 minutes
- The technical talk.
- Go into enough detail so that the experts can follow everything you
say and are absolutely convinced that you've done good, solid work.
- You may lose the rest of your audience, but they should still be able
to make sense of your high-level arguments. Also you want toimpress them with something that they don't understand.
- Next 3 minutes
- Begin wrapping up.
- Next 5-7 minutes
- Related work: Be scholarly. Explain how your work relates. What's
new? What's different? Don't just give laundry lists.
- Last 3-5 minutes
- Conclusions, future work (if time).
Leave time for 5-10 minutes worth of questions interspersed or at end. Have backup slides for anticipated questions, further details about tricky or interesting technical points.
Multiple Talks
- Have multiple versions of the talk in your head, for different audiencesand different durations.
- The one-hour job talk version.
- The technical one-on-one version.
- The non-technical one-on-one version.
- The dean/department head version.
- The elevator version(s)
- The ``waiting for the Wean Hall elevator'' version.
- The ride up/down the elevator version.
* Refreshen your job talk from time to time. It's going to get stale.
1-on-1: Questions You Might Be Asked Easy
- Why did you do what you did for your thesis research?
- Why did you use your approach and not something else or someoneelse's? Know the assumptions and limitations of your approach and
- What's so interesting about your thesis research? What's novel aboutyour contribution? Why should I be interested in the problem or
- What's the key insight to your solution? Your secret weapon?
- What're the one or two most significant contributions you feel you havemade to the field, to Computer Science?
- What difference is your solution or approach going to make to someonewho is outside of your field?
- What do you want to do next?
- What do you see yourself doing in three, five years?
- Where do you see the field being in five years? Ten? What are yougoing to do that will help us get there?
- What do you think are the top two or three problems in ComputerScience? What are you going to do that will help us solve them?
- What do you think is the most significant advance in Computer Science(or in your field) in the past year? Past two-three years?
- Do you know anything about X? (Be careful!)
* What do you think of X? (Be careful!)
1-on-1: Questions to Ask Definitely
- What research are you doing? (Get a feel for how ambitious a researchproject can be at this place; the scope of research activity at this place;
whether there's anything going on of interest to you; potentialcollaborator?.)
- Do you have any students? What are they doing?
- Do you collaborate with anyone? What are you doing together? Iscollaboration encouraged?
- How is your research funded?
- What courses are you teaching?
- What are the (undergraduate, Master's, Ph.D.) students like?
- What do you perceive the strengths and weaknesses of this place tobe?
- Where do you see the department heading?
- Do you like it here?
* Are you happy?
With the Department Head (or Dean) Statistics, financial matters, and procedures.
- Find out about
- Facts about the place
- Future plans, short- and long-term
- Evaluation and promotion processes
- How faculty are funded for research
- Any special research support for junior faculty
- Role of junior faculty in getting research money (NSF, ARPA)
- View on collaboration
- Teaching load
- Computing facilities support: who buys, who maintains.
- Benefits (health, dental, retirement, tuition exemption, etc.)
- With respect to you:
- How are hiring decisions made? (So you know when to expect to
hear from someone.)
Ask Host or Anyone When Appropriate Find out about
- Getting students, quality of students, support for students.
- Educational programs at all degree levels (B.S., Master's, and Ph.D.).
* Expectations of junior faculty or junior member of research staff.
- If you have any dietary restrictions, speak up.
- Mind your table manners.
- Relax, be yourself, but don't get drunk.
- Be prepared to talk shop. Some faculty/researchers will be able to talkto you only during a meal; they might miss your job talk. (And some just
might like to grill you to wear you out!)
- It's a good time to bring up social issues, e.g.,
- life on campus, life in town/city, housing, schools for kids, two-body
situation, outside interests
- but don't ask about these too much unless
- you get the sense that they really want you, or
- you can't live without something or without being able to do X.
* It's a good time to hear the real ``scoop'' on a place.
Time Leftover?
- Ask to talk to some graduate students.
* Get an informal tour of campus, neighborhoods where you might live,town or city, (Show an interest in your surroundings.)
What They Are Looking For
- Theory vs. Practice
- Are you a theoretician, a systems person, a bridge person?
- Do you prove theorems or build systems?
- Are you an applications builder?
- Creativity
- Are you full of ideas, an innovator, a visionary?
- Are you a thinker?
- Are you an incrementalist, an integrator?
- Are you a clone of your advisor?
- Independence
- Are you an independent thinker?
- How well do you work on your own and with others?
- Brainpower
- Are you smart?
- Are you a clever problem solver?
- Technical skills and ability
- Are you an engineer, a technician?
- Are you a detail person, a techie, a hacker?
- Can you program? Can you do math?
- Articulate
- How well do you express yourself orally and in writing?
- Teaching
- Can you teach?
* What can you teach?
What They Are Looking For, Cont'd
- Fitting in
- Do you complement interests of current faculty/research staff?
- Do you fill in a hole or overlap?
- Does your personality mesh well with the place?
- Would you make a good colleague?
- Are you a superstar?
- NSF ``PYI'' material?
- ACM Dissertation Award material?
* Future Turing award winner?
What You Should Look For
- Research
- Is there any interesting research going on there? Can you imagine
doing the kind of research you'd like to do there?
- Is there someone with whom you can have a deep technical talk?
- Colleagues
- Number and quality: How many are there? Are any of them any
good? How good is their best? Are you smarter than all of them?
- Do you like the people?
- Is there a potential buddy?
- Students (at all levels)
- Number and quality: How many are there? Are any of them any
good? How good is their best? Are you smarter than all of them?
- Where are they from? Mostly foreign or domestic? Where did their
graduate students get their undergraduate degrees from?
- Teaching
- Are there courses you would enjoy teaching?
- Is there flexibility in choosing what to teach?
- Is the teaching load acceptable? Flexible? Can you ``buy out'' of
- Management
- Do you get along with the department head?
- Can you imagine working within the department/research lab's
organizational structure?
- Location
- Can you imagine yourself living near there?
- Think of your day-to-day life, more than where you'd like to spend
your vacations.
- Keep in touch with your host or department head.
- The chance to write a formal ``thank you'' is in the cover letter whensending back your receipts for a reimbursement check.
- Use peoples' names.
* Don't pester people about status, but don't let too much time go by.(Show that you're still interested, a ``live'' candidate.)
Congratulations! You got an offer...
- You may ask for a second visit, maybe to bring an SO/spouse to visit the place, city, etc.
- Don't be ridiculous in your requests, especially what you want put inyour offer letter. It comes off sounding petty.
- Do get in writing
- starting salary
- starting date (this is when your tenure clock starts and sometimes
affects when benefits kick in)
- support for computing facilities (for office, home, traveling; to start up
a lab)
- support for summer(s) (how many months for how many years)
- support for students
- support for moving expenses
- release from any teaching responsibilities (how many semesters)
- any special deals, e.g., using your n years of post-doc, industrial
experience, etc. towards your tenure clock.
- Ask about, and maybe get in writing if you sense you need to
- secretarial support
- policy about if you haven't finished your thesis after you start
- Don't ask (now) about support for telephones, the size, location, or paintcolor of your office, an office with a window, a room with a view, office
supplies, parking, etc. You will sound silly. You may ask later, when itis more appropriate.
* Negotiate as high a starting salary as possible. Subsequent raises arepercentage increases.
Academia vs. Industry
27 Remember Whether you get an offer or not,
- You have made new, important contacts for the future.
- You have represented CMU and your advisor. Whatever impressionyou gave them is a direct reflection of CMU's Ph.D. program. (Don't
embarrass us!)
- Be yourself.
- Mind your manners.
- Enjoy it.