ACM Computing Surveys
28A(4), December 1996, Copyright ©
1996 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. See the permissions statement below.
Strategic Directions in Computing Research
Formal Methods Working Group
Position Statement: Directions in Software Verification
Doron Peled
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies,
700 Mountain Ave.,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974,
Formal methods deal with enhancing systems reliability.
Employing formal methods in hardware design has been quite
successful. Applying them to software development imposes additional
challenges for several reasons:
Software systems, in general, lack the
standardization of hardware systems.
There is no uniformity, as everyone has his/her own favorite
programming language, operating system and set of tools.
On top of that, many
software systems consist of several non-homogeneous parts.
With memory costs dropping
considerably every year, there is a diminishing tendency to
structure and optimize code. The size of the systems and the lack of
standardization usually force a manual stage of modeling and
abstracting before tools and techniques can be applied. This consumes
time, allow potential modeling errors,
and in many cases limits the use formal methods to
trained experts.
Concurrent software systems usually involve asynchronous behavior.
This makes them more intricate to model and verify.
Various successful examples demonstrate several promising
directions for software verification. The magnitude of the
problem suggests that it should be attacked from fresh
Guiding software development using formal methods.
Due to the size of the problem, applying formal methods at the
end of the development might be of limited success. It is easier
and more practical to find design errors at earlier stages.
Formal methods should accompany the process of software development
along its various stages. At distinct stages such as features design
and coding, different methods should be used.
For example, at the very start of the design, the features
of the system may be represented using message
sequence charts. Tools for manipulating message sequence charts can
automatically search for inconsistencies such as race conditions,
or check the design for missing features.
At later stages, a more detailed design can be
modeled and algorithmically or manually verified against
various specifications.
Although a great deal of research was done at finding problems in
later stages, it seems that not a lot of attention was made so far to
much earlier stages, when finding problems is less costly, and
more effective.
Developing methods and models that allow exploiting special
structure in the target system. Certain families of systems
enjoy special structure, which can be exploited to reduce
the state space explosion inherent in automatic verification.
It is beneficial to use models that allow extracting this
structural information, and verification methods that can
exploit it.
Such techniques can help scale up the
applicability of formal methods to bigger, more complicated systems.
In some cases, a combination of related models is required;
the ability to shift between related models with
complementary benefits can allow one to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Interleaving sequences
(total orders) lend themselves to convenient
manipulation using automata theory. It is thus not
surprising that the interleaving semantics is most popular
in modeling concurrent software systems.
Another way to model concurrent systems is using partial
orders, modeling the causal order between the
execution of events. The connection between the
two models is that an interleaving sequence is a linearization of
a partial order execution. It is often the case that the
specification cannot distinguish between
equivalent linearizations that represent the same partial order
execution. One example of a method that exploits such structural
information is partial order reduction.
Then, it is sufficient to generate a reduced
state space, with at least one linearization per each equivalence
class. Another example is symmetry reduction, which exploits
inherent symmetry in the structure of the modeled systems.
Hiding technical details of the methods from the user.
The introduction
of graphical tools can buffer between an external, intuitive view,
and an internal, more concrete, representation.
Internally, an inference
engine or an efficient automata manipulation algorithm may be most
appropriate to do the job; externally, the user may be more
comfortable with state diagrams or message sequence charts.
When a clear separation cannot be achieved, tool developers
should attempt to split the work between an occasional and an
expert user.
Enforcing new notions and notation upon the user,
the use of highly specialized mathematical notions and notation,
or the use of a
jargon popular among a small group of researchers, sometimes
result in criticism regarding whether it really pays off to learn
and use formal methods. On the other hand,
a well designed user interface can attract the user to exploit it
for his/her everyday task.
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Last modified: Tue Nov 5 13:40:00 EDT 1996
Doron Peled