Wednesday July 6 - Friday July 8 2011 |
Apply / Contact There is a small $50 application fee for this workshop (refunded on completion), which includes all breakfasts and lunches, dinner on Wednesday and Thursday, and all workshop material. Participants are responsible for travel and other meal expenses. Each educator who wishes to attend must submit a one-page statement describing how he or she expects the workshop to enhance or change the teaching of computing at his or her school. The statement should briefly describe the current state of computing education at his or her school (e.g. types of courses, teacher preparation and certification availability, background of students, etc.) and the goals that the school and the school district have in building their computing education offerings for the next 5 years. Please include your contact information (name, address, phone, and email). If you are traveling from outside of Pittsburgh, please plan on arriving Tuesday evening, July 5. Lodging will be provided on campus for no charge for three nights for each accepted participant who wishes to use it. Parking on campus is free after 5PM on weeknights and all day Saturday and Sunday. During weekdays, visitor parking is available in the East Campus Garage. Contact Angie Brookins (see below) for more information about getting a parking pass for weekdays. For more information about visiting CMU, see Carnegie Mellon’s Visitor Page.
Application deadline (correction) is June 3, 2011. Participation is limited to 50 participants. Download application form: pdf or rtf. Please send your application, your one-page statement, and a check made payable to Carnegie Mellon University for the $50 application fee to: Angie Brookins ON-CAMPUS HOUSING ARRANGEMENTS Please contact Angie Brookins at 412.268.5483 or by email at angieb@cs.cmu.edu about on-campus housing for more information and to apply for free on-campus housing for CS4HS. Participants who need on-campus housing must contact Angie Brookins by the application deadline in order to guarantee a room reservation. |