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Computer Science Education Day 2010
2009 Archive


Carnegie Mellon is proud to host a day celebrating both national and local efforts in computer science education.
Join us on December 8, 2010, as the nation celebrates Computer Science Education Week, for presentations and discussions about CS education.

Keynote Speaker:    JAN CUNY
                                Program Officer for the CISE Broadening Participation in
                                Computing Program, National Science Foundation


JAN CUNY has been the Program Officer for the CISE Broadening Participation in Computing Program (BPC) at the National Science Foundation since 2004. Before coming to NSF, Jan was a faculty member in the Computer Science departments at Purdue University, the University of Massachusetts, and the University of Oregon. Her research centered on programming environments for computational science. At NSF, Dr. Cuny founded the BPC program. It aims to significantly increase the number of students getting postsecondary degrees in computing, with an initial emphasis on those groups – women, minorities, and persons with disabilities – who have traditionally been underrepresented in computing. BPC supports efforts from middle school through graduate school and the early faculty ranks. It currently has a portfolio of over $50 million in active awards. More importantly, it has built a national community of several hundred researchers and practitioners who actively collaborate on interventions that address underrepresentation.

Dr. Cuny has been involved in efforts to increase the participation of women in computing research for many years. She was a long time member of the Computing Research Association’s Committee on the Status of Women (CRA-W), serving among other activities as a CRA-W co-chair, a mentor in their Distributed Mentoring Program, and a lead on their Academic Career Mentoring Workshop, Grad Cohort, and Cohort for Associated Professors projects. Jan was also a member of the Advisory Board for Anita Borg Institute for Woman and Technology, the Leadership team of the National Center for Women in Technology, the Executive Committee of the Coalition to Diversify Computing, and the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association. She was Program Chair of the 2004 Grace Hopper Conference and the General Chair of the 2006 conference. For her efforts with underserved populations, she is a recipient of one of the 2006 ACM President’s Awards and the 2007 CRA A. Nico Habermann Award.

Special Event: Grace Hopper Birthday Celebration

Partake in cake and a celebration of Grace Murray Hopper on her birthday.  As the woman who coined the term "bug" in a program by finding a moth which had burned out a relay, it is only fitting that we celebrate her on this day.  Watch a video of a talk she gave in 1986 at Digital Equipment Corporation.  Enjoy your cake and investigate the undergraduate research posters highlighting the excellent work of CMU’s undergraduate students.

Schedule of Events &ndash Wednesday, 8 December 2010

8:45 AM

Reddy Conference Room
Gates&Hillman Centers 4405 and Hillman Entry Lobby

9:00 PM Welcome
– Reddy Conference Room - GHC 4405
Randal E. Bryant, Dean, School of Computer Science
Mark J. Stehlik, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education, School of Computer Science
9:15 AM

Computational Thinking in Education
Jeannette M. Wing, President's Professor of Computer Science and Head, Computer Science Department

10:15 AM


10:30 - 11:00 AM

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Morning Presentations
– Reddy Conference Room - GHC 4405

Security Education, Phishing with Phil
Patrick Gage-Kelley, Research Assistant, Ph.D.Program in Computation, Organizations & Society

Running on Empty: The Failure to Teach Computer Science in the Digital Age
Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser, Graduate Assistant, Computer Science Department
Mark J. Stehlik, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education

Technology in Education
Vincent Aleven, Associate Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute

12:00 PM

Lunch and Discussions
– Reddy Conference Room - GHC 4405 – Using Inexpensive Computing to Promote Learning
Derek Lomas, Graduate Assistant, Human-Computer Interaction Institute

Andrew's Leap
Margaret Reid-Miller, Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science Department

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Afternoon Presentations
– Reddy Conference Room - GHC 4405

Alice: It's for More than CS
Don Slater, Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science Department

Human-Computer Interaction
Justine Cassell, Director, Human-Computer Interaction Institute

2:00 PM

Keynote Speaker:
Jan Cuny
, Program Officer
CISE Broadening Participation in Computing Program
National Science Foundation

Transforming High School Computing and the CS 10K Project
The ability to apply computation in problem solving is a critical 21st Century skill, yet few of our schools are currently teaching anything beyond basic computing literacy. The CISE Directorate of the National Science Foundation proposes to change this by catalyzing a clean-slate revamp of high school computing education. The effort includes developing a research base for the teach- ing and learning of computational skills and concepts, mechanisms for infusing of computational thinking across the curriculum, and a new, effective computing curriculum. The curriculum will be centered on a proposed new AP course, with the goal of having 10,000 well-prepared teachers teaching that curriculum in 10,000 high schools by the time that the new AP test is available in 2015.

3:00 PM

Grace Hopper Birthday Celebration
– Hillman Lobby & McWilliams Classroom - Gates & Hillman Centers 4303
Including a unique video presentation from 1986 (on-going)

3:00 PM Undergraduate CS Research Posters
– Entrance Lobby and adjacent areas - Hillman Center 4th Floor

Additional Resources Running On Empty: The Failure to Teach K-12 Computer Science in the Digital Age
Cameron Wilson (ACM)
Leigh Ann Sudol (Carnegie Mellon University)
Chris Stephenson (Computer Science Teachers Association, ACM's Education Policy Committee)
Mark Stehlik (Carnegie Mellon University, Member of ACM's Education Policy Committee)

The Alice Project
Broadening Participation in Computing Program, National Science Foundation
Learn Lab: Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC)
Anti-Phishing Phil


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