School of Computer Science, carnegie Mellon
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Research / Centers and Projects

The SCS Community is home to numerous interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Research Projects and Centers opening up possibilities for creative computing in all our endeavors.

Programming Languages, Logics, and Semantics
Security and Privacy
AI and Machine Learning
Computational Biology
Vision and Graphics
Language Acquisition, Speech and Machine Translation
Human Computer Interaction and Pervasive Computing
Learning and Cognition
Organizational and Social Science
The Arts
Education and Outreach
Additional links


The Aladdin Center for ALgorithm ADaptation Dissemination and INtegration
ALADDIN is a center for the study of algorithms and their applications. The primary goal of ALADDIN is to improve the process of incorporating powerful algorithms into application domains.
  Programming Languages, Logics, and Semantics
ConCert: Certified Code for Grid Computing
The ConCert Project investigates the theoretical and engineering basis for the trustless dissemination of software in an untrusted environment.
Specification and Verification Center
The Center focuses on the formal specification and verification of hardware and software systems by inventing new mathematically-based techniques, languages, and tools to model the behavior of systems.
TDL: Task Description Language
TDL is a programming language that extends the C++ programming language to include asynchronous constrained procedures, called Tasks.
Triple: Type Refinements in Programming Languages
Research in the Triple project centers on the extension of syntactic type disciplines with a level of refinements that isolate properties of a type.
Twelf Project
Twelf is a research project concerned with the design, implementation, and application of logical frameworks.
The 100x100 Project creates blueprints for a network that goes beyond today's Internet.
The Coda Project
Coda is an advanced networked filesystem. It has been developed at CMU since 1987 by the systems group.
Computer Architecture Lab at Carnegie Mellon (CALCM)
CALCM brings together one of the largest groups of academicians in the world with interests in computer architecture.Research projects span from nanoscale system architectures to scalable high-performance server architectures.
Computing Media and Communication Laboratory (CMCL)CMCL.GIF
Researchers in the Computing Media and Communication Laboratory investigate how to build the networked (distributed) systems of the future. The main emphasis is on the interaction of networks and applications.
Database Group
The databases group at Carnegie Mellon University focuses on high performance database architectures, multimedia, and data mining.
Inter Process Communication (IPC)
IPC provides flexible, efficient message passing between processes. It can transparently send and receive complex data structures, including lists and variable length arrays.
Parallel Data Lab (PDL)
PDL is academia's premiere storage systems research center.
Phoenix: Reconfigurable Nanotechnology Project
The Phoenix project explores the direct implementation of programs in (reconfigurable) hardware. The benefits of this approach are: low energy consumption, reduced design and manufacturing costs, high performance.
  Security and Privacy
CMU Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS) brings together Carnegie Mellon University researchers working on a diverse set of projects related to understanding and improving the usability of privacy and security software and systems.
Data Privacy Laboratory
The overall objective of LIDAP is to provide intellectual leadership to society in shaping the evolving relationship between technology and the legal right to or public expectation of privacy in the collection and sharing of data.
  AI and Machine Learning
ATLAS: Agent Transaction Language for Advertising Services
ATLAS is a DAML-based agent advertising language that will enable agents and devices to locate each other and interoperate.
The Auton Project
The Auton project researches the theory and practice of autonomous artificial intelligences for learning, predicting, and controlling complex processes.
The Intelligent Software Agents Lab
The Intelligent Software Agents Lab envisions a world in which autonomous, intelligent software programs, known as software agents, undertake many of the operations performed by human users of the World Wide Web.
One of the Lab's project is the Semantic Matchmaker
The objective of Pleiades is to create and demonstrate machine learning methods that allow personal software agents to automatically customize to the needs of their users, and methods for automated negotiation among these agents.
Center for Integrated Manufacturing and Decision Systems (CIMDS) CIMDS's research areas include: manufacturing; visualization and interfaces; intelligent coordination and logistics; intelligent sensors, measurement, and control; and AI.
Distributed Robot Architectures (DIRA)
The primary objective of this project is to develop fundamental capabilities that enable multiple, distributed, heterogeneous robots to coordinate tasks that cannot be accomplished by the robots individually.
Field Robotics Center
Field robotics is the use of mobile robots in field environments such as work sites and natural terrain.
FIRE (Federation of Intelligent Robotic Explorers)
The FIRE Project aims at investigating and understanding fundamental issues in heterogeneous multi-robot coordination.
The Mercata project is concerned with the control and tasking of multiple heterogeneous robots, each with fundamental sensing, navigation and locomotion capabilities.
The Multirobot Lab
The Multirobot lab is interested in building and studying teams of robots that operate in dynamic and uncertain environments.It is home to the champion SCS RoboSoccer team. Way to go!
National Robotics Engineering Consortium (NREC)
NREC is dedicated to the development of products incorporating advanced mobile robotics technologies.
Robot Hall of Fame
Social Robots
The Social Robots project, which aims to overcome the human-robot social barrier, is in the process of developing a robot which bears a personality, and which can behave according to social conventions.
Space Robotics Initiative (SRI)
SRI comprises a series of projects involving robotic exploration and manipulation of extraterrestrial environments.
Medical Robotics Technology Center
The center aims to be the world's foremost center of excellence in research, clinical expertise, education, and commercialization of medical robotics and interventional information technologies for medicine and surgery.
MERITS of Pittsburgh
MERITS is a regional initiative tandem to the Medical Robotics Technology Center. MERITS combines our regional strengths in engineering, computer science, robotics, healthcare technology and clinical programs.
"Tongue" Project
The "Tongue" project uses a digital imaging system to make a picture of a patient's tongue, then uses software to extract the features from the image, and finally make a diagnosis based on quantitative models.
  Computational Biology
Computational Molecular Biology
Computational molecular biology includes such areas as the application of machine learning and data mining techniques to large biological knowledge bases and the analysis of biological image data and computational genomics.
  Vision and Graphics
Biovision Lab
The mission of Biovision Lab is to explore new empirical theories and applications of visual intelligence. The Lab's focus is on medical pattern recognition and aesthetic interfaces.
Computational Sensor Laboratory
The Computational Sensor Lab creates specialty imaging sensors for improving the robustness and capabilities of robot vision systems.
The Digital Mapping Laboratory (MAPSLab)
The research interests of MAPSLab concern the intersection of image understanding, artificial intelligence, and cartography.
Graphics Lab
Face Analysis Projects
The Face group is involved with research on a variety of problems related to perception and understanding of human faces.
Virtualized Reality
Virtualized Reality technology points a set of cameras at an event, and allows the viewer to virtually fly around, and watch the event from completely new positions.
VASC: Vision and Autonomous System Center
VASC is a large research group within the Robotics Institute working in the areas of computer vision, autonomous navigation, virtual reality, intelligent manipulation, space robotics, and related fields.
  Language Acquisition, Speech and Machine Translation
Avenue Project
The Avenue project has both social and scientific goals in Machine Translation.
Fluency: Automatic Foreign Language Pronunciation Training
Fluency is concerned with foreign language learning and is designed, using state-of-the-art speech recognition technology, to let you speak, then give you feedback as to how you did – what to correct and how to correct it.
LISTEN: Literacy Innovation that Speech Technology ENables
Project LISTEN is an inter-disciplinary research project to develop a novel tool to improve literacy -- an automated Reading Tutor that displays stories on a computer screen, and listens to children read aloud.
Speech at CMU
Speech at CMU is dedicated to speech technology research, development, and deployment. CMU has a historic position in computational speech research, and continues to test the limits of the art.
Universal Speech Interface
The USI project is an attempt to design a universal speech interface allowing humans to communicate effectively, efficiently and effortlessly with simple machines, information services, and internet speech portals.
  Human Computer Interaction and Pervasive Computing
The Interactive Systems Lab (ISL)
The aim of ISL is to develop user interfaces that improve human-machine and human-to-human communication.

The Mobile Commerce Lab
Developing intelligent agents and Semantic Web technologies for context-aware m-Commerce

The Wearable Group
The Wearable Group is an interdisciplinary team of researchers who combine a decade of investigation into the architectural and interface requirements of wearable systems.
  Learning and Cognition
The ACT group is concerned with the ACT theory and architecture of cognition. The goal of this research is to understand how people acquire and organize knowledge and produce intelligent behavior.
The Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC)
CNBC is dedicated to the study of the neural basis of cognitive processes, including learning and memory, language and thought, perception, attention, and planning.
Pittsburgh Advanced Cognitive Tutor (PACT) Center
The Pittsburgh Advanced Cognitive Tutor Center (PACT), producer of the Algebra Tutor, is at the forefront of cognitive tutor technology.
  Organizational and Social Science
CASOS Center for Computational Social and Organizational Science
Casos attempts to understand and model the ways that organizations, groups and societies are inherently computational while computational multi-agent systems are inherently organizational.
The e-Supply Chain Management Lab
Developing agent-based decision support tools and automated negotiation functionality for dynamic supply chains
The HomeNet Project
HomeNet is a field trial whose purpose is to understand people's use of the Internet at home.
IT Services Qualification Center (ITSqc)
ITsqc creates capability models and qualification methods to improve sourcing relationships in the Internet-enabled economy.
Sloan Software Industry Center (SWIC)
SWIC aims to be the world's leading university-based center investigating emerging trends in the economics, management and technology of the software industry.
  The Arts
"Insight" Project
INSIGHT is a research project with the goal of building the computer / robot that can learn to express things visually like artists.
Computer Music Project
The Computer Music Project at CMU is developing computer music and interactive performance technology to enhance human musical experience and creativity.
The Informedia Project
Informedia is pioneering new approaches for automated video and audio indexing, navigation, visualization, summarization, search, and retrieval and embedding them in systems for use in education, health care, defense intelligence and understanding of human activity.
  Education and Outreach
Andrew's Leap
Andrew's Leap is an SCS summer program where local area high school students have an opportunity to interact with some of the country's leading scientists and be exposed to the frontiers of computer science.
Meeting of the Minds
This is the annual undergraduate research symposium where undergraduates across campus are encouraged to display their research and creative projects.
The Robotics Academy
The Robotics Academy is committed to using robotics to excite children about science and technology and to help create a more technologically literate
RoboCamp West
Robotics Club
  Additional links
The Agent-Mediated Electronic Marketplaces

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