
Pacman must stay safe,
Don't violate the constraints,
Shrink that objective.


In this project, you will implement algorithms to solve optimization problems formulated as linear and integer programming problems.

As in previous programming assignments, this project includes an autograder for you to grade your answers on your machine. This can be run with the command:

python3 autograder.py

See the autograder tutorial in programming assignment 0 for more information about using the autograder.

The code for this project consists of several Python files, some of which you will need to read and understand in order to complete the assignment, and some of which you can ignore. You can download and unzip all the code and supporting files from optimization.zip.

Files you will edit

optimization.py Where all of your optimization code will reside.

Files you might want to look at

pacmanPlot.py File that helps plotting feasible regions as pacman and ghosts.
test_cases/ Directory containing the test cases for each question

Files you will not edit

autograder.py Project autograder
game.py Logistics for Pacman world
ghostAgents.py Agents to control ghosts
graphicsDisplay.py Graphics for Pacman
graphicsUtils.py Support for Pacman graphics
keyboardAgents.py Keyboard interfaces to control Pacman
layout.py Code for reading layout files and storing their contents
optimizationTestClasses.py File that helps run the test cases
pacmanAgents.py Agents to control pacman
pacman.py The main file that runs pacman game
testClasses.py General autograding test classes
testParser.py Parses autograder test and solution files
textDisplay.py ASCII graphics for Pacman
util.py Data structures for implementing search algorithms

Files to Edit and Submit: You will fill in portions of optimization.py during the assignment. You should submit these files with your code and comments. Please do not change the other files in this distribution or submit any of our original files other than this file.

Evaluation: Your code will be autograded for technical correctness. Please do not change the names of any provided functions or classes within the code, or you will wreak havoc on the autograder. However, the correctness of your implementation -- not the autograder's judgements -- will be the final judge of your score. If necessary, we will review and grade assignments individually to ensure that you receive due credit for your work.

Academic Dishonesty: We will be checking your code against other submissions in the class for logical redundancy. If you copy someone else's code and submit it with minor changes, we will know. These cheat detectors are quite hard to fool, so please don't try. We trust you all to submit your own work only; please don't let us down. If you do, we will pursue the strongest consequences available to us.

Getting Help: You are not alone! If you find yourself stuck on something, contact the course staff for help. Office hours, recitation, and Piazza are there for your support; please use them. If you can't make our office hours, let us know and we will schedule more. We want these projects to be rewarding and instructional, not frustrating and demoralizing. But, we don't know when or how to help unless you ask.

Discussion: Please be careful not to post spoilers.

The Pacman graphics in this assignment are based on the Pacman AI projects developed at UC Berkeley, http://ai.berkeley.edu.

Although the graphics are not needed to solve the problems for this programming assignment, they are there to help make Linear programming more fun :).

Question 1 (7 points): Find Intersections

Implement the function findIntersections in optimization.py to return a list of all intersection points given a list of linear inequality constraints.

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder.py -t test_cases/q1/test2D_1
python3 autograder.py -q q1

You may want to start with a 2-D implementation, getting the first set of test cases working, before proceeding to support N dimensions. In 2-D, you can use your plotting skills to help visualize and debug your work.

You will probably want to take advantage of the numpy library for doing linear algebra in Python. Use python3 -m pip install numpy to install it if you don't already have numpy installed (use the usual python command you use for running the autograder), and here for a quick tutorial. The following operations will be particularly useful:

  • np.dot(A,x): Matrix-vector multiplication
  • np.linalg.solve(A,b): Solve the system of linear equations \(Ax=b\) for \(x\)
  • np.linalg.matrix_rank(A): A matrix has to be square (\(N\times N\)) and full rank (rank = \(N\)) in order for np.linalg.solve to work. Note: What is the relationship between rank and intersecting hyperplanes (defined by rows of \(A\) and \(b\))?
  • A[(1,3,5), :]: Select the first, third, and fifth rows of \(A\) (and all columns)
  • itertools.combinations(A, n): Creates n length subsequences of elements from the input A.
  • Note that the equality test (==) is undefined for numpy arrays. You should use np.tolist() to convert arrays into lists before comparing them. Some of the comparisons may be implicit (e.g., the ones in the priority queue).

If you want to pause the graphics on the screen, you can change the occurrences of graphicsUtils.sleep(1) to self.takeControl() in pacmanPlot.py. Note that the program will quit after you close the window if you make this change, so only do so if you're running one test case at a time.

python3 autograder.py -q q1 --no-graphics

Question 2 (2 points): Find Feasible Intersections

Implement the function findFeasibleIntersections in optimization.py to return a list of all feasible intersection points given a list of linear inequality constraints. Feasible intersection points are intersection points where all the constraints are satisfied.

Important: Because it is problematic to compare floating point values, you will still want to allow values to be feasible if they are within 1e-12 of their corresponding limit. (To clarify, this is the same as \(10^{-12}\), but Python supports writing 1e-12 as a number). You can check to see if borderline floating point values in your program are within the constraints by seeing if they are within 1e-12 of the bound. You should use np.abs, not math.abs.

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder.py -t test_cases/q2/test2D_1
python3 autograder.py -q q2

Question 3 (2 points): Find Optimal Intersection

Implement the function solveLP in optimization.py to return a feasible intersection point that minimizes the objective. Your algorithm can simply step through all feasible intersection points, looking for the one that gives the minimal objective value. You may assume that if a solution exists that it will be bounded, i.e., not infinity.

The output from this function should be a tuple (an N-dimensional optimal point, the corresponding objective value at that point)

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder.py -t test_cases/q3/test2D_1
python3 autograder.py -q q3

Question 4 (2 points): Problem Formulation (LP)

Represent the following problem as a linear program. Implement the function wordProblemLP in optimization.py to construct constraints and a cost vector, then call your solveLP function to return the optimal solution.

Pat is packing for his trip to Hawaii. He wants to bring sunscreen and Tantrum energy drink, the two most important things to pack for a vacation. Help Pat determine how many fluid ounces of suncreen and how many fluid ounces of Tantrum he wants to pack while making sure he doesn't pay extra for a heavy bag.

Assume that Pat is checking a suitcase filled entirely with suncreen and Tantrum. Pat needs at least 20 fluid ounces of suncreen and at least 15.5 fluid ounces of Tantrum. Pat's suitcase can fit 100 units of stuff. A fluid ounce of sunscreen takes 2.5 units of space and a fluid ounce of Tantrum takes 2.5 units of space. Furthermore, to avoid baggage fees, the suitcase can weight at most 50 pounds. A fluid ounce of sunscreen weighs 0.5 pounds and a fluid ounce of Tantrum weighs 0.25 pounds. We want to make sure Pat has a good time in Hawaii so we want to pack things that maximizes Pat's happiness in Hawaii. Each fluid ounce of sunscreen gives Pat a utility of 7 while each fluid ounce of Tantrum gives Pat a utility of 4. How can we pack so that Pat has the best vacation ever?

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder -q q4

Question 5 (7 points): Branch and Bound

Now that you're a linear programming wizard, let's take things a step farther. Solve integer programming problems by implementing the branch and bound algorithm in the solveIP function in optimization.py. Given a list of linear inequality constraints and a cost vector, use the branch and bound algorithm to find a feasible point with interger values that minimizes the objective.

Pseudocode for branch and bound can be found in the course notes.

Important: You should check to see if floating point values in your program are integers by seeing if they are within 1e-12 of the nearest integer value (hint: the floor function is not enough). You should use np.abs, not math.abs. This problem will also build on your LP solver in Q2. Even if you pass the autograder for Q2 it may fail you here if you are not using the correct tolerance checks.

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder.py -t test_cases/q5/test2D_1
python3 autograder.py -q q5

Hint: Consider making use of the PriorityQueue or PriorityQueueWithFunction (which takes in an extra argument of the priority function) classes in util.py. Note the difference between the push and the update function. Make sure you do not mutate objects pushed onto to a priority queue.

Note: The problems in these test cases should be short to solve, so if your implementation isn't solving them quickly, there may be a bug.

Food Distribution

No Poverty and Zero Hunger are listed as the top two Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations. Food rescue service provides a promising way to reduce food waste, overcome food insecurity and improve environmental sustainability. Organizations providing food rescue service rescue the surplus food from different food providers and redistributing to local communities that are in need of food.

For questions 6 and 7, you will help a food rescue organization FS to decide how to redistribute the food in an efficient way. The problem is abstracted in the following way: There are \(M\) food providers (referred to as providers) and \(N\) local communities in need of food (referred to as communities). Community \(j\) needs at least \(C_j\) integer units of food. The transportation cost per unit of food from provider \(i\) to community \(j\) is \(T_{i,j}\). Assume that there is no limit on the amount of food that a provider can supply.

When transporting food from a provider to a community, trucks cannot be overweight. All trucks have the same weight limit per truck, and only exactly one truck moves between one provider \(i\) and one community \(j\). The food coming from provider \(i\) has weight \(W_i\) per unit.

We need to determine the integer number of food units to transport from each provider to each community, while meeting the above constraints and minimizing transportation costs.

Question 6 (2 points): Problem Formulation (IP)

Represent the following food distribution problem as an integer program. Implement the function wordProblemIP in optimization.py to construct constraints and a cost vector, then call your solveIP function to return the optimal solution.

Before solving world hunger, we will practice with campus hunger following the food distribution setup above. In this specific case, we have three providers (Dunkin Donuts, Eatunique, and the Au Bon Pain) and two communities (Gates and Sorrells).

The communities require at least the following number of units of food:

  • Gates: 15
  • Sorrells: 30

The truck weight limit is 30 and exactly one truck is allowed between each provider and community (i.e., one truck per provider-community pair). The weight per unit and transportation cost per unit are as follows:

Weight Gates Sorrells
Dunkin Donuts 1.2 $12 $20
Eatunique 1.3 $4 $5
Au Bon Pain 1.1 $2 $1

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder.py -q q6

Note: Some people find it more convenient to implement the more general food distribution in question 7 before implementing this specific problem.

Question 7 (3 points): Food Distribution IP

Implement the function foodDistribution in optimization.py to handle the general food distribution integer programming problem:

Given \(M\) food providers and \(N\) communities, return the integer number of units that each provider should send to each community to satisfy the constraints and minimize transportation cost.

You can test your implementation with the following:

python3 autograder.py -q q7


Complete questions 1 through 7 as specified in the project instructions. Then upload optimization.py to Gradescope.

Prior to submitting, be sure you run the autograder on your own machine. Running the autograder locally will help you to debug and expediate your development process. The autograder can be invoked on your own machine using the command:

python3 autograder.py

To run the autograder on a single question, such as question 3, invoke it by

python3 autograder.py -q q3

Note that running the autograder locally will not register your grades with us. Remember to submit your code below when you want to register your grades for this assignment.

The autograder on Gradescope might take a while but don't worry: so long as you submit before the due date, it's not late.

What Now?

Great job completing P2! This section is dedicated to extension projects and readings related to the concepts in LP and optimization you've now learned and applied, should you be interested in further exploration.

Optimization is a HUGE topic in both industry and research, finding practical applications in areas like machine learning and operations research.

You can find open source optimization software which you can try out and use yourself from Google's OR-Tools (also featured in the Recitation 4 solutions). If you have pip, you can install OR-Tools via

pip install ortools

Alternative installation options here.

This is an example demonstrating mixed integer linear program formulation and optimization with OR-Tools. As you can see, doing so is as simple as creating variables, defining the constraints and objective, and calling Solve().

More examples can be found here. These include code samples tackling problems involving vehicle routing, flows, integer and linear programming, and constraint programming.

We list some pertinent examples below:

Another state-of-the-art tool for optimization is Gurobi Optimizer. Gurobi provides an API for constructing and solving a variety of optimization problems, including linear and mixed integer linear programs.

Here are a couple of case studies of Gurobi's usage in industry:

Note that you do need to obtain a license to use Gurobi (which you can do through the university).