Episodes: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(96–97 Season)

Last Updated: 7 January 1999

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 1

10 March 1997 to 7 July 1997: 9:00pm Mondays

4V01 & 4v02 10 Mar 97 10 Mar 97
  • “Welcome to Hellmouth”
  • “The Harvest”
2 Hours; 8:00pm
4V03 17 Mar 97 17 Mar 97 “The Witch”
4V04 25 Mar 97 25 Mar 97 “Teacher’s Pet” 9:00pm Tuesday
4V05 31 Mar 97 31 Mar 97 “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date”
4V06 7 Apr 97 7 Apr 97 “The Pack”
4V07 14 Apr 97 14 Apr 97 “Angel”
4V03 R 17 Mar 97 21 Apr 97 “The Witch”
4V08 28 Apr 97 28 Apr 97 “I Robot, You Jane”
4V09 5 May 97 5 May 97 “The Puppet Show”
4V10 12 May 97 12 May 97 “Nightmares”
4V11 19 May 97 19 May 97 “Invisible Girl” a.k.a "Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight"
4V07 R 14 Apr 97 26 May 97 “Angel”
4V12 2 Jun 97 2 Jun 97 “Prophesy Girl” Season Finale
4V01 R 10 Mar 97 9 Jun 97 “Welcome to Hellmouth” Part 1
4V02 R 10 Mar 97 16 Jun 97 “The Harverst” Part 2
4V05 R 31 Mar 97 23 Jun 97 “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date”
4V04 R 25 Mar 97 30 Jun 97 “Teacher’s Pet”
4V06 R 7 Apr 97 7 Jul 97 “The Pack”

13 July 1997 to 4 August 1997: 8:00pm Sundays & 9:00pm Mondays

4V03 R 17 Mar 97 13 Jul 97 “The Witch”
4V08 R 28 Apr 97 14 Jul 97 “I Robot, You Jane”
4V10 R 12 May 97 20 Jul 97 “Nightmares”
4V09 R 5 May 97 21 Jul 97 “The Puppet Show”
4V11 R 19 May 97 27 Jul 97 “Invisible Girl” a.k.a "Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight"
4V05 R 31 Mar 97 28 Jul 97 “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date”
4V01 R 10 Mar 97 3 Aug 97 “Welcome to Hellmouth” Part 1
4V02 R 10 Mar 97 4 Aug 97 “The Harverst” Part 2

11 August 1997 to 19 January 1998: 9:00pm Mondays

4V04 R 25 Mar 97 11 Aug 97 “Teacher’s Pet”
4V06 R 7 Apr 97 18 Aug 97 “The Pack”
4V07 R 14 Apr 97 25 Aug 97 “Angel”
4V09 R 5 May 97 1 Sep 97 “The Puppet Show”
4V12 R 2 Jun 97 8 Sep 97 “Prophesy Girl”

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