Episodes: Mission Hill
(99–00 Season)

Last Updated: 6 August 2000

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 1

1 21 Sep 99 21 Sep 99 Pilot Preview, 9:00pm Tuesday

3 October 1999 to 8 October 1999: 8:00pm Fridays

2 8 Oct 99 8 Oct 99 “Kevin’s Problem”
3 15 Oct 99 15 Oct 99 “Andy vs. the Real World” Didn’t Air, pre-empted by The Jamie Foxx Show

25 June 2000 to 16 July 2000: 9:30pm Sundays

4 25 Jun 0025 Jun 00 “Andy & Kevin Make a Friend”
5 2 Jul 00 2 Jul 00 “Kevin vs. the SAT”
6 9 Jul 00 9 Jul 00 “Andy Gets a Promotion”
7 16 Jul 00 16 Jul 00 “Unemployment” Part 1
8 16 Jul 00 16 Jul 00 “Unemployment” Part 2 Schedule, but didn’t air

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