Episodes: Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher
(97–98 Season)

Last Updated: 26 July 1998

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

17 August 1997 to 3 May 1998: 7:00pm Sundays

Season 2

1 7 Sep 97 7 Sep 97 “Gerald R. Fraud”
2 14 Sep 97 14 Sep 97 “He’s Gotta Have It”
3 21 Sep 97 21 Sep 97 “Nick at Night”
4 28 Sep 97 28 Sep 97 “Tasha Tells All”
5 5 Oct 97 5 Oct 97 “MC 2”
6 12 Oct 97 12 Oct 97 “Sophia Del Bono: Licensed Cosmetologist”
19 Oct 97 Pre-empted by A Pinky & the Brain Halloween
7 26 Oct 97 26 Oct 97 “Dr. Love”
8 2 Nov 97 2 Nov 97 “Blast From the Past”
9 9 Nov 97 9 Nov 97 “On the Rocks”
10 16 Nov 97 16 Nov 97 “Sophia’s Choice”
11 23 Nov 97 23 Nov 97 “The Weighting Game”
2 R 14 Sep 97 30 Nov 97 “He’s Gotta Have It”
12 7 Dec 97 7 Dec 97 “The Full Marco”
4 R 28 Sep 97 14 Dec 97 “Tasha Tells All”
3 R 21 Sep 97 21 Dec 97 “Nick at Night”
1 R 7 Sep 97 28 Dec 97 “Gerald R. Fraud”
7 R 26 Oct 97 4 Jan 98 “Dr. Love”
13 11 Jan 98 11 Jan 98 “Against All Odds”
14 18 Jan 98 18 Jan 98 “Out of Her Class”
5 R 5 Oct 97 25 Jan 98 “MC 2”
15 1 Feb 98 1 Feb 98 “Baby Blues”
16 8 Feb 98 8 Feb 98 “Burned Out”
17 15 Feb 98 15 Feb 98 “Foul Play”
18 22 Feb 98 22 Feb 98 “Driving Mr. Jordan”
19 1 Mar 98 1 Mar 98 “Under the Gun”
6 R 12 Oct 97 8 Mar 98 “Sophia Del Bono: Licensed Cosmetologist”
8 R 2 Nov 97 15 Mar 98 “Blast From the Past”
6 R 12 Oct 97 22 Mar 98 “Sophia Del Bono: Licensed Cosmetologist” (??)
11 R 23 Nov 97 29 Mar 98 “The Weighting Game”
9 R 9 Nov 97 5 Apr 98 “On the Rocks”
12 R 7 Dec 97 12 Apr 98 “The Full Marco”
14 R 18 Jan 98 19 Apr 98 “Out of Her Class”
20 26 Apr 98 26 Apr 98 “Model Citizen”
21 3 May 98 3 May 98 “Dome Alone”

10 May 1998 to 7 June 1998: Hiatus

14 June 1998 to 5 July 1998: 7:00pm Sundays

17 R 15 Feb 98 14 Jun 98 “Foul Play”
15 R 1 Feb 98 21 Jun 98 “Baby Blues”
16 R 8 Feb 98 28 Jun 98 “Burned Out”
19 R 1 Mar 98 5 Jul 98 “Under the Gun”

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