Episodes: Nikki
(01–02 Season)

Last Updated: 14 January 2002

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

5 November 2000 to 20 October 2001: 9:00pm Sundays

Season 2

1 14 Oct 01 14 Oct 01 “Technical Knockup”

21 October 2001 to Present: 9:30pm Sundays

2 21 Oct 01 21 Oct 01 “Vaya Con Nikki”
227152 28 Oct 01 28 Oct 01 “A Rock and a Hard Place”
4 4 Nov 01 4 Nov 01 “Superhero Blues”
5 11 Nov 01 11 Nov 01 “My Best Friend’s Daycare”
205 18 Nov 01 18 Nov 01 “Home Sweet Homeless” 8:30pm
226172 R 13 May 01 18 Nov 01 “Love at First Dwight”
25 Nov 01 25 Nov 01 “Take This Job and Love It” 8:30pm
1 R14 Oct 01 25 Nov 01 “Technical Knockup”
2 R 21 Oct 01 2 Dec 01 “Vaya Con Nikki” 8:30pm
9 Dec 01 9 Dec 01 “Gimme Shelter” 8:30pm
16 Dec 01 16 Dec 01 “Milli Vanikki” 8:30pm
23 Dec 01 Pre-empted by Never Say Never Again
226167 R 18 Feb 01 30 Dec 01 “Cheerleader of Doom” 8:30pm
6 Jan 02 6 Jan 02 “My Best Friend’s Daycare” 8:00pm
5 R 11 Nov 01 6 Jan 02 “My Best Friend’s Daycare” 8:30pm
13 Jan 02 13 Jan 02 “To Your Grave” 8:30pm
20 Jan 02 20 Jan 02 “Nikki Can’t Wait for Dwight’s Birthday” 8:30pm
27 Jan 02 27 Jan 02 “She Was a Job-Jumper” 8:30pm

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