Episodes: The Parent ‘Hood
(96–97 Season)

Last Updated: 26 July 1998

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

1 September 1996 to 1 June 1997: 8:00pm Sundays

Season 3

1 8 Sep 96 8 Sep 96 “The Critic”
2 15 Sep 96 15 Sep 96 “Our Gang”
3 22 Sep 96 22 Sep 96 “Voice in the Hood”
4 29 Sep 96 29 Sep 96 “Love, African-American Style”
5 6 Oct 96 6 Oct 96 “Inspiration”
6 13 Oct 96 13 Oct 96 “Labor Daze”
7 20 Oct 96 20 Oct 96 “Clothes Call”
R 25 Oct 95 27 Oct 96 “The Taxi Man”
8 3 Nov 96 3 Nov 96 “Nick the Brick”
9 10 Nov 96 10 Nov 96 “Chimney Boy”
10 17 Nov 96 17 Nov 96 “Goodfella”
11 24 Nov 96 24 Nov 96 “The Parade-y Bunch”
1 R 8 Sep 96 1 Dec 96 “The Critic”
12 8 Dec 96 8 Dec 96 “Fight the Power”
3 R 22 Sep 96 15 Dec 96 “Voice in the Hood”
R 20 Dec 95 22 Dec 96 “The Man Who Canceled Christmas”
2 R 15 Sep 96 29 Dec 96 “Our Gang”
6 R 13 Oct 96 5 Jan 97 “Labor Daze”
13 12 Jan 97 12 Jan 97 “Baby Oprah”
14 19 Jan 97 19 Jan 97 “Home Loan”
R 1 May 96 26 Jan 97 “I Never Danced for My Mother” 8:30pm Sunday
15 2 Feb 97 2 Feb 97 “A Star is Torn”
16 9 Feb 97 9 Feb 97 “Nick the Player”
17 16 Feb 97 16 Feb 97 “Double Date”
18 23 Feb 97 23 Feb 97 “Tango & Cash”
7 R 20 Oct 96 2 Mar 97 “Clothes Call”
4 R 29 Sep 96 9 Mar 97 “Love, African-American Style”
5 R 6 Oct 96 16 Mar 97 “Inspiration”
R 15 May 96 23 Mar 97 “Reconcilable Differences”
9 R 10 Nov 96 30 Mar 97 “Chimney Boy”
10 R 17 Nov 96 6 Apr 97 “Goodfella”
12 R 8 Dec 96 13 Apr 97 “Fight the Power”
8 R 3 Nov 96 20 Apr 97 “Nick the Brick”
19 27 Apr 97 27 Apr 97 “When Robert Met Jerri”
20 4 May 97 4 May 97 “The Pererson Redemption”
21 11 May 97 11 May 97 “Mother and Law”
22 18 May 97 18 May 97 “Rappin’ It Up” Season Finale
11 R 24 Nov 96 25 May 97 “The Parade-y Bunch”
14 R 19 Jan 97 1 Jun 97 “Home Loan”

4 June 1997 to 6 July 1997: 7:30pm Sundays & 8:30pm Wednesdays

16 R 9 Feb 97 4 Jun 97 “Nick the Player”
13 R 12 Jan 97 8 Jun 97 “Baby Oprah”
17 R 16 Feb 97 11 Jun 97 “Double Date”
3 R 22 Sep 96 15 Jun 97 “Voice in the Hood”
6 R 13 Oct 96 18 Jun 97 “Labor Daze”
2 R 15 Sep 96 22 Jun 97 “Our Gang”
15 R 2 Feb 97 25 Jun 97 “A Star is Torn”
4 R 29 Sep 96 29 Jun 97 “Love, African-American Style”
18 R 23 Feb 97 2 Jul 97 “Tango & Cash”
9 R 10 Nov 96 6 Jul 97 “Chimney Boy”

13 July 1997 to 28 December 1997: 7:30pm Sundays

10 R 17 Nov 96 13 Jul 97 “Goodfella”
7 R 20 Oct 96 20 Jul 97 “Clothes Call”
12 R 8 Dec 96 27 Jul 97 “Fight the Power”
5 R 6 Oct 96 3 Aug 97 “Inspiration”
1 8 Sep 96 10 Aug 97 “The Critic”
19 R 27 Apr 97 17 Aug 97 “When Robert Met Jerri”
21 R 11 May 97 24 Aug 97 “Mother and Law”
22 R 18 May 97 31 Aug 97 “Rappin’ It Up”

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