Alone in the Dark: review by <>

Review by <>

In the Dark so far looks improved from the PC but I can't say very improved. I did notice that the graphics are a little better and the music helps to set the mood. It's been a long time since I played the AITD that I have to admit I can't compare the graphics or sound but as I play it the game unfortunatly is coming back in my head so it should be pretty easy to win. Speedwise I can't say since I had played it on a 386-25 and I know the 3DO version is a lot smoother. Control is very good. The sound effects do seem to cut out the music every once in while. I also had the message that I didn't have enough room to save games and if I would like to clear some space.. I did clear enough space for one game spot to open up but once I started to play and went to save the game it gave me a error did not save game. I would only assume that I didn't clear enough for it. I would recommend if your short on room and clear a couple of old saved games the first thing I would do is see if you can save it right away since I did get pretty far and now have to start from scratch. Oh well, not really a review but I do admit and agree with the others it is well worth the money. If you have it for the PC already I am not sure if you really want to buy it again. I bought it again because of two reasons 1) I didn't finish it and 2) its for the 3do.
