Burning Soldier (japanese import): review by Justin Beech

Review by Justin Beech <justinb@pinkfloyd>

Burning Solider, By Pack-in-video.

For those that remember it on the 3DO Mag demo disk, Its out in Japan. Unfortunately, I can best sum it up by saying: Sega-CD Silpheed.

Yes, its spooled cinepak with sprites on top.

The music and effects are high quality (of course you get that by default with almost any 3DO game I guess), but the music choice is unfortunate, level 2 sounds like elevator music. You know, like in that scene from the Blues Brothers while the skyscraper got stormed - "Duh Duh Der Do-Dut Duh Der-Der-Der Doh...". sorry, anyway, er... Burning Soldier: they had fun with a 3D modeller making the thing, but it looks like a pixellated CDi title.

Thats four bad weeks in a row here. First Theatre Wars bombed, then Ghost Hunter bombed, then the Egyptian RPG game bombed, Now Burning Soldier joins them in the bin. There is nothing new on the horizon unless you count SFII (which they are featuring in posters in the shops, and its generating interest).

You can almost here the kids thinking. Hmmm... if it can do that...

I think I need shockwave to feel better.
