Slayer: small review by J. Peter Daigle

Text by J. Peter Daigle <>

Finally a true RPG in the SSI tradition. This title should do well because of the originality (at least to the 3DO platform). Good textured graphics, although not as smooth as EFMM, but also not as 'structured' as EFMM, in that you can look down into pits, look up at the ceiling, although, at least in ther first 2 levels, there really doesn't seem to be any advantage to doing this (you can't run into pits, you have to work around them). The manual & character selection are typical SSI, where you can select gender/race/class, and there are the usual bounty of spells to be learned by the chosen characters. The 'beastiary' lists more than 3 dozen foes, although thru level 2 I've only run into 4 different, but very challenging opponents. Good news for new dungeon hacks, a difficulty setting. One flaw, the audio could be better, nothing more than repetitive music in the background, and the occasional grunt from your opponent. No great intro, audio wise, no one telling the story behind your presence in the dungeon, ala WOTW. But overall, a welcomed addition to your 3DO collection, IF you like the SSI type role playing game.