and Talks
Maya Tydykov, Mingzhi Zeng, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2015.
Interactive Learning with TREE: Teachable Relation and Event
Extraction System.
In Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 20th
International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to
Information Systems, NLDB 2015, Passau, Germany, June 17-19,
2015, Proceedings;
Chris Biemann, Siegfried Handschuh, André Freitas, Farid Meziane,
Elisabeth Métais (editors). Springer.
- Bo Lin, Kevin Dela Rosa,
Rushin Shah, Nitin Agarwal.
2011. LADS: Rapid Development of a Learning-To-Rank Based Related Entity
Finding System using Open Advancement. Proceedings of the ACM
SIGIR 1st International Workshop on Entity Oriented Search (SIGIR -
EOS 2011). PDF
- Kevin Dela Rosa, Rushin Shah,
Bo Lin, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2011. Topical Clustering of
Tweets. Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 3rd Workshop on Social Web
Search and Mining (SIGIR - SWSM 2011). PDF
- Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Kevin Dela
Rosa, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2011. Improving Cross-Document
Co-Reference with Semi-Supervised Information Extraction Models
Proceedings of the Symposium on Machine Learning in Speech and Language
Processing (MLSLP 2011). PDF
- Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking, Anatole
Gershman. 2010. CONE: Metrics for Automatic Evaluation of Named Entity
Co-reference Resolution. Proceedings of ACL Workshop on Named Entities. PDF
- Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Anatole Gershman, Robert
Frederking. 2010. SYNERGY: A Named Entity Recognition System for
Resource-scarce Languages such as Swahili using Online Machine
Translation. Proceedings of LREC Workshop on African Language
Technology. PDF
- Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking, Anatole Gershman.
2010. ENCORE: Experiments with a Synthetic Entity Co-reference Resolution
Tool. Proceedings of LREC Workshop on Resources and Evaluation for
Entity Resolution and Entity Management. PDF
- NER.pm
- Open source Perl implementation of SYNERGY NER
Contact Bob Frederking, ref at cs dot cmu dot edu for more information.