ENCORE Project

Publications and Talks


  1. Maya Tydykov, Mingzhi Zeng, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2015. Interactive Learning with TREE: Teachable Relation and Event Extraction System. In Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 20th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2015, Passau, Germany, June 17-19, 2015, Proceedings; Chris Biemann, Siegfried Handschuh, André Freitas, Farid Meziane, Elisabeth Métais (editors). Springer. PDF


  1. Bo Lin, Kevin Dela Rosa, Rushin Shah, Nitin Agarwal. 2011. LADS: Rapid Development of a Learning-To-Rank Based Related Entity Finding System using Open Advancement. Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 1st International Workshop on Entity Oriented Search (SIGIR - EOS 2011). PDF

  2. Kevin Dela Rosa, Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2011. Topical Clustering of Tweets. Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 3rd Workshop on Social Web Search and Mining (SIGIR - SWSM 2011). PDF

  3. Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Kevin Dela Rosa, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2011. Improving Cross-Document Co-Reference with Semi-Supervised Information Extraction Models
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing (MLSLP 2011)PDF


  1. Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking, Anatole Gershman. 2010. CONE: Metrics for Automatic Evaluation of Named Entity Co-reference Resolution. Proceedings of ACL Workshop on Named Entities. PDF

  2. Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2010. SYNERGY: A Named Entity Recognition System for Resource-scarce Languages such as Swahili using Online Machine Translation. Proceedings of LREC Workshop on African Language Technology. PDF

  3. Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking, Anatole Gershman. 2010. ENCORE: Experiments with a Synthetic Entity Co-reference Resolution Tool. Proceedings of LREC Workshop on Resources and Evaluation for Entity Resolution and Entity Management. PDF



  1. NER.pm - Open source Perl implementation of SYNERGY NER system.

Contact Bob Frederking, ref at cs dot cmu dot edu for more information.