Selection of Behavioral
Parameters: Integration of Discontinuous Switching via Case-Based Reasoning
with Continuous Adaptation via Learning Momentum
J. Brian Lee, Maxim Likhachev, Ronald
C. Arkin
Mobile Robot Laboratory
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology,,
This paper studies the effects of the integration
of two learning algorithms, Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and Learning Momentum
(LM), for the selection of behavioral parameters in real-time for robotic
navigational tasks. Use of CBR
methodology in the selection of behavioral parameters has already shown
significant improvement in robot performance [3, 6, 7, 14] as measured by
mission completion time and success rate. It has also made unnecessary the
manual configuration of behavioral parameters from a user. However, the choice of the library of CBR
cases does affect the robot's performance, and choosing the right library
sometimes is a difficult task especially when working with a real robot. In contrast, Learning Momentum does not
depend on any prior information such as cases and searches for the
"right" parameters in real-time. This results in high mission success
rates and requires no manual configuration of parameters, but it shows no
improvement in mission completion time [2]. This work combines the two
approaches so that CBR discontinuously switches behavioral parameters based on
given cases whereas LM uses these parameters as a starting point for the
real-time search for the "right" parameters. The integrated system
was extensively evaluated on both simulated and physical robots. The tests
showed that on simulated robots the integrated system performed as well as the
CBR only system and outperformed the LM only system, whereas on real robots it
significantly outperformed both CBR only and LM only systems.
terms: Learning Momentum,
Case-Based Reasoning, Behavior-Based Robotics, Reactive Robotics.