Incremental Replanning for Mapping
Maxim Likhachev* and Sven Koenig**
*Carnegie Mellon University, **Georgia Institute of Technology,
Incremental heuristic search methods can often replan paths much
faster than incremental or heuristic search methods individually, yet
are simple to use. So far, they have only been used in mobile robotics
to move a robot to given goal coordinates in unknown terrain. As far
as we know, incremental heuristic search methods have not yet been
applied to the problem of mapping unknown terrain. In this paper, we
therefore describe how to apply our incremental heuristic search
method D* Lite, that combines ideas from Lifelong Planning A* and
Focussed D*, to mapping unknown terrain, which is rather
nontrivial. We then compare its runtime against that of incremental
search and heuristic search alone, demonstrating the computational
benefits of their combination. By demonstrating the versatility and
computational benefits of incremental heuristic search, we hope that
this underexploited technique will be used more often in mobile