Courses Related to Hierarchical Methods for Simulation
This course,
is meant to lie between and to complement the following five courses
15-852A, 21-860: Scientific Computation,
Gary Miller,
Noel Walkington.
Last taught Fall 1997.
(more theoretical and finite-element-method-oriented than this course)
15-863: Physically Based Modeling,
Andrew Witkin, David Baraff.
Last taught Spring 1997.
(a computer graphics course;
also solves PDE's for interactive modeling and animation,
but doesn't use hierarchical methods much)
15-862: Rendering,
Paul Heckbert.
Last taught Fall 1995.
(Also a different incarnation as
15-860: Global Illumination in Fall 1996.)
(a computer graphics course;
solves integral equations to simulate light radiation, among
other topics, uses hierarchical methods)
21-624: Topics in Analysis: Wavelets,
Suzanne Tourville.
(more mathematical than this course; focuses on wavelets for the real
line, not as much on wavelets for finite domains or on applications)
Algorithms in the Real World,
Guy Blelloch, Gary Miller, Danny Sleator.
(a survey course)
Other courses at CMU.
Paul Heckbert, April 1998