Abstraction has emerged as a key component in solving extensive-form games. Lossless abstractions are typically too large to solve, so lossy abstraction is needed. All prior lossy abstraction algorithms for extensive-form games have either had no bounds on solution quality or depended on specific equilibrium computation approaches and limited forms of abstraction. We introduce a theoretical framework that can be used to give bounds on solution quality for any perfect-recall extensive-form game. The framework uses a new notion for mapping abstract strategies to the original game, and it leverages a new equilibrium refinement for analysis. Using this framework, we develop the first general lossy extensive-form game abstraction method with bounds. Experiments show that it finds a lossless abstraction when one is available and lossy abstractions when smaller abstractions are desired. While our framework can be used for lossy abstraction, it is also a powerful tool for lossless abstraction if we set the bound to zero. We also introduce the extensive-form game tree isomorphism and action subset selection problems, both important problems for computing abstractions on a level-by-level basis. We show that the former is graph isomorphism complete, and the latter NP-complete. We also show that level-by-level abstraction can be too myopic and thus fail to find even obvious lossless abstractions.