Person class [100 pts, autograded]
Write the class Person
so that the following test code passes. Don't ignore the comments!
Hint: Start at the top of the test cases and work your way down, implementing pieces one at a time to get more and more of the test code to pass.
Also, remember that 'fred' the string is not the same as the object referenced by the variable name fred!
def testPersonClass():
print('Testing Person Class...', end='')
fred = Person('fred', 32)
assert(isinstance(fred, Person))
assert(fred.getName() == 'fred')
assert(fred.getAge() == 32)
assert(fred.getFriends() == None)
wilma = Person('wilma', 35)
assert(wilma.getName() == 'wilma')
assert(wilma.getAge() == 35)
assert(wilma.getFriends() == None)
assert(wilma.getFriends() == [fred]) # fred is a variable name, not a string
assert(fred.getFriends() == None) # friends are not necessarily reciprocal!
assert(wilma.getFriends() == [fred]) # don't add twice!
barney = Person('barney', 28)
assert(fred.getFriends() == [wilma, barney])
fred.addFriend(barney) # don't add twice
fred.addFriend(fred) # ignore self as a friend
assert(fred.getFriends() == [wilma, barney])
Note that your solution must work in general, and not hardcode to these specific test cases.
Bonus: Bird Class and Subclasses [1 pt, autograded]
Write the Bird, Penguin, and MessengerBird classes so that they pass testBirdClasses
and use the OOP constructs we learned this week as appropriate.
Note/Hint: getLocalMethods does not include static methods, and
startMigrating should be a static method.
def getLocalMethods(clss):
import types
# This is a helper function for the test function below.
# It returns a sorted list of the names of the methods
# defined in a class. It's okay if you don't fully understand it!
result = [ ]
for var in clss.__dict__:
val = clss.__dict__[var]
if (isinstance(val, types.FunctionType)):
return sorted(result)
def testBirdClasses():
print("Testing Bird classes...", end="")
# A basic Bird has a species name, can fly, and can lay eggs
bird1 = Bird("Parrot")
assert(type(bird1) == Bird)
assert(isinstance(bird1, Bird))
assert( == "I can fly!")
assert(bird1.countEggs() == 0)
assert(str(bird1) == "Parrot has 0 eggs")
assert(bird1.countEggs() == 1)
assert(str(bird1) == "Parrot has 1 egg")
assert(bird1.countEggs() == 2)
assert(str(bird1) == "Parrot has 2 eggs")
tempBird = Bird("Parrot")
assert(bird1 == tempBird)
tempBird = Bird("Wren")
assert(bird1 != tempBird)
assert(getLocalMethods(Bird) == ['__eq__','__init__',
'__repr__', 'countEggs',
'fly', 'layEgg'])
# A Penguin is a Bird that cannot fly, but can swim
bird2 = Penguin("Emperor Penguin")
assert(type(bird2) == Penguin)
assert(isinstance(bird2, Penguin))
assert(isinstance(bird2, Bird))
assert(not isinstance(bird1, Penguin))
assert( == "No flying for me.")
assert(bird2.swim() == "I can swim!")
assert(bird2.countEggs() == 1)
assert(str(bird2) == "Emperor Penguin has 1 egg")
assert(getLocalMethods(Penguin) == ['fly', 'swim'])
# A MessengerBird is a Bird that carries a message
bird3 = MessengerBird("War Pigeon", "Top-Secret Message!")
assert(type(bird3) == MessengerBird)
assert(isinstance(bird3, MessengerBird))
assert(isinstance(bird3, Bird))
assert(not isinstance(bird3, Penguin))
assert(not isinstance(bird2, MessengerBird))
assert(not isinstance(bird1, MessengerBird))
assert(bird3.deliverMessage() == "Top-Secret Message!")
assert(str(bird3) == "War Pigeon has 0 eggs")
assert( == "I can fly!")
bird4 = MessengerBird("Homing Pigeon", "")
assert(bird4.deliverMessage() == "")
assert(bird4.countEggs() == 1)
assert(getLocalMethods(MessengerBird) == ['__init__', 'deliverMessage'])
# Note: all birds are migrating or not (together, as one)
assert(bird1.isMigrating == bird2.isMigrating == bird3.isMigrating == False)
assert(Bird.isMigrating == False)
assert(bird1.isMigrating == bird2.isMigrating == bird3.isMigrating == True)
assert(Bird.isMigrating == True)
assert(bird1.isMigrating == bird2.isMigrating == bird3.isMigrating == False)
assert(Bird.isMigrating == False)