The Prime Counting Function< (optional)/b>
# Sieve of Eratosthenes
# More complete example, showing one reason why we might
# care to use the sieve rather than the simple isPrime function
# we already learned how to write.
# We'll be computing the prime counting function, pi(n):
# See
# We'll do it two different ways: once using the simple isPrime
# function, and again using the sieve. We'll time each way
# and see how it goes.
## sieve(n)
# This function returns a list of prime numbers
# up to n (inclusive), using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
# See
def sieve(n):
isPrime = [ True ] * (n+1) # assume all are prime to start
isPrime[0] = isPrime[1] = False # except 0 and 1, of course
primes = [ ]
for prime in range(n+1):
if (isPrime[prime] == True):
# we found a prime, so add it to our result
# and mark all its multiples as not prime
for multiple in range(2*prime, n+1, prime):
isPrime[multiple] = False
return primes
# Here we will use the sieve to compute the prime
# counting function. The sieve will return a list
# of all the primes up to n, so the prime counting
# function merely returns the length of this list!
def piUsingSieve(n):
return len(sieve(n))
## piUsingisPrime(n)
# Here we will use the isPrime function to compute
# the prime counting function.
def piUsingIsPrime(n):
primeCount = 0
for counter in range(n+1):
if (isPrime(counter)):
primeCount += 1
return primeCount
def isPrime(n):
if (n < 2): return False
if (n == 2): return True
if (n % 2 == 0): return False
for factor in range(3, 1+int(round(n**0.5)), 2):
if (n % factor == 0):
return False
return True
## test code
# Before running the timing code below, let's run
# some test code to verify that the functions above
# seemingly work. Test values are from:
def testCorrectness():
print("First testing functions for correctness...", end="")
assert(piUsingSieve(10) == 4)
assert(piUsingIsPrime(10) == 4)
assert(piUsingSieve(100) == 25)
assert(piUsingIsPrime(100) == 25)
assert(piUsingSieve(1000) == 168)
assert(piUsingIsPrime(1000) == 168)
## timing code
# Finally we can time each version for a large value of n
# and compare their runtimes
import time
def testTiming():
n = 1000 # Use 1000 for Brython, 1000*1000 for Python
print("Timing piUsingIsPrime(" + str(n) + "):")
startTime = time.time()
result1 = piUsingIsPrime(n)
endTime = time.time()
time1 = endTime - startTime
print(" result = " + str(result1))
print(" time = " + str(time1) + " sec")
print("Timing piUsingSieve(" + str(n) + "):")
startTime = time.time()
result2 = piUsingSieve(n)
endTime = time.time()
time2 = endTime - startTime
print(" result = " + str(result2))
print(" time = " + str(time2) + " sec")
print(" Same result: " + str(result1 == result2))
print(" (time of isPrime) / (time of sieve) = " + str(time1 / time2))
print("And this only gets worse, and quickly, for larger values of n.")